Chapter one - Chosen

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Andrea's POV-

I look in the mirror and fix a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I flatten my navy pencil skirt and tuck my light blue tshirt inside it. I grab my glasses off my desk and I head into my bathroom. I wash my face, getting ready for dinner. I hear shuffling across the corridor and know it's him. I go to the bathroom door and open it with a slight creak. I don't think anyone noticed it so I continue to tip toe across the hall. I arrive outside his room and peek through the crack of the door left ajar.

I see him, gathering a stack of books and piling them neatly on the table. He is wearing a blue tshirt and a pair of jeans. His hair is as wavy as ever and his glasses are on his head. His eyes catch mine and a small smile spreads across his face. He nods as if giving me permission to enter. I walk in closing the door behind me. I sit down him sitting on the desk chair and me on the green bean bag in the corner. I avert my eyes anywhere but him.

"So choosing ceremony's today" I state and he nods. "That it is" he says and I smile. "So..." I start but am stopped mid sentence. "Can't we just enjoy a little brother sister time?" He stands up and walks over and sits beside me on the beanbag. "Eric..." I say and he just pinches the bridge of his nose. "Shush Andrea" he says and I give in. I lay my head on his shoulder and he lays his on top of mine. We sit here, in pure silence. We don't do this a lot. We're either to busy studying or helping around the house to have any time for talking let alone this.

"Someday," Eric begins and I furrow my brows.
"Someday, you will be in this position..." he states and I'm still in confusion. "You have to make that decision based on you and your needs, not on anyone else's. It's your life and you live it" He says and I look at the ground, not fully processing the information. "Promise me one thing" he says, barley a whisper. "Yeah?" I question and he looks at me, his eyes like magnets forcing me to stare into their depths. "Promise me you will be brave" he gets up from the bean bag and I walk over to him and hug him tightly. I know he's not staying, he's made that much obvious.

I walk into my room and grab a piece of folded up photo paper, tattered and torn. I walk back into Eric's bedroom and slide the picture into his hand. He opens it and smiles. "You were six" he looks at me and I have a flashback.

"Ewic, ewic come here! I found a lady bug" I scream as I jump up and down. The lady bug starts crawling up my hand and Eric comes over. "Cool! Can I hold it?" He asks and I look at him with worried eyes. "Be caweful" I say and he nods. I touch my hand of his and the lady bug crawls up his hands. "Hahah that tickles" he says and we fall to the ground laughing. The lady bug flys away and I wave my hand in the air. "Goodbye mr ladybug!"

I hug Eric again, this time not wanting to let go. I don't want to loose him. "I have to go now" he says and I don't let go "Andrea I have to, I'll see you later" he says, trying to give me false hope. "Don't lie to me" I say, void of emotion. "Ok mabye not but I need you to know I love you" he says grabbing my hair tight with his hand. He strokes it like he always used to. He pulls away and goes to walk out. I follow him and he looks back at me. "You can't come" he states and my jaw drops. "What? Why?" I ask and he just looks at me with sad eyes. " and don't come on visiting day" he says walking down the stairs. "But-" "I love you Andrea" he says and I just freeze, not knowing what to do.

I run into his room and close the door. I let my body fall against the frame and my head falls into my knees.The tears start to fall. I sit her for what feels like hours, but what was only minutes. Eric was only in here minutes ago, it's hard to believe. I stand up, my eyes puffy and red from crying and go over to his desk. I see that a piece of paper is falling out of one of his books. I grab it and open it up. I read it aloud , quietly to myself.
"Dear Andrea, be brave :) know that I'll always love you, Eric xxx" I put the note in my pocket and I hear a knock on the door.

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