Chapter 5 - holding back

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Andy's POV:

The metal banging stops. I groan and roll over.
"Everyone in the pit in 20, make sure to wear work out gear" four says and I sit up with a yawn. I shower and get dressed. I wear a tank top and a pair of shorts. I get into my superstars and throw on a black hoodie. I tie my hair into a ponytail.

It has been two days since I started training. Yesterday my arm was pretty sore, but it feels a lot better today. We just did knife throwing and shooting. We even did a bit of archery. I did good in all three but we'll see how I do today. I haven't spoken to Eric since the training room two days ago. He has kept his distance and so have I. I see him in training every day and my heart breaks a little more. The story's people told me about him last night were even worse than the ones Four was telling me about two days ago. They said he murdered someone. Obviously none of this is true, Four even said so but the fact that people can even make that up is so upsetting to me.

"Hey you ready?" Tyler asks snapping me out of my daze. "Yeah, let's go" I say and we begin to make our way to the breakfast hall. We sit across from each other. I got a bowl of cereal and Tyler got some toast. I take a spoonful of cereal and then I hear feet behind me. It can't be Four because he is setting up for training. I turn around and see it's that dauntless boy, Dominic I think. "Hey is this seat taken?" He asks pointing beside me and I shake my head. "All yours" "great" he says and sits down. Another dude sits down across from him and Dominic smiles at me. "This is Riley, and I'm -" "Dominic, right?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Just Dom" he says and I nod. "This is Tyler, I'm Andy" I say and he smiles. I hear more feet behind me and see that it is Zara and maya. I give Zara a small smile and point to the seat across beside Tyler. They sit and begin to eat. Tyler, me, Zara, and Maya have been eating meals together for the past two days I've been training.

"So you know any dauntless members yet?" Dom asks, taking a bite of his apple. I don't bother saying Eric since he doesn't want to know me. "Yeah Four is one of our good friends" I say and dom widens his eyes. "Only here three days and your already on the good side of the trainer." He smiles and I laugh. "Not in training he works us to a pulp" I snigger and Riley chimes in on the conversation. "I can't believe what Eric made you do. He could have killed you" "yeah I feel terrible about it. It's not like I said I wouldn't stand there. But this one decided against it"Tyler says poking my shoulder. "Well I couldn't leave you do it! You would've got it in the eye or something" I say with a snigger and everyone starts to laugh.

We just talk for a while and then I check the time. "We all better get going" I say and we all get up. Zara and maya walk off. To be honest they are a bit too quiet and weird for my taste, I think I'm too loud for them too. We might just avoid each other from now on. Tyler and Riley seem to be getting on like a house on fire. They both walk slowly too. Me and Dom walk up ahead, talking about random shit.

"Your so good at all that knife throwing and stuff." He says and I laugh. "I could teach you sometime" I say and he nods. "That would be good actually" he says and we keep walking and talking. I hear footsteps behind me and Tyler lifts me up and throws me over his wimpy little shoulders. I look to Dom who is now far away from me. "I'll see you in training!"

Tyler drops me when we are in the pit. I look at him and smile. "Thank you?" I say considering I didn't have to walk. He only laughs in reply. Four Eric and Tori begin to walk us down to the training room as usual. We enter, but today it's different. I see mats set up, obviously for fighting purposes. Four and Eric step onto the mat followed by Tori.

"So guys, today we'll be doing some fighting skills for half of the day" four begins and Eric cuts in. "After lunch you'll be fighting each other" He says entertained by the fear spreading across some people's faces. "Everyone get to a station" there is three stations by the looks of it. One with punching bags, four stands at that one. One with mats and tori stands at that one. And finally another one with mats and Eric is at that one.

I run over to fours station as quick as possible and see that Tyler is at Tori's station. He must've thought that's where I was running. I see Dom appear behind me "oh hi" I say and he laughs lightly. "Hey"

Four claps his hands together. "Everyone get a bag" He says pointing to the punching bags strung across the wall. I come up to a bag and see that it is slightly tattered. Four shows us the stance we are meant to use and I copy it with my hands. I begin to punch the bag, lightly. I don't want to show to much promise and then let myself down with a bang. I stay at the same level as everyone else. Four doesn't say anything to anyone and then a whistle blows. We all move onto the next station.


"Guys I'm going to be doing defensive techniques with you. Pick a buddy and a mat" Dom comes up behind me and taps my shoulder. "Do you have a partner?" He says and I shake my head. "You do now" He says standing on a mat with me.
Tori tells one person to punch and the other person to block. We do that and I wish it could last forever but then the whistle blows.

Eric's station.

We walk over and Everyone gathers around him. "I'll be showing you some skillful techniques. Everyone line up" we all line up alongside the mat and Eric looks along the group. I swear his eyes linger on mine for a second or two. "Starting with the person at the front of the line each one of you will step forward and show me the technique I have showed you to do. Understood?" He says in a monotone. Everyone hums a yes and he shows us the first move. It's how to slide tackle somebody. Everyone in the line before me steps forward and performs the move on a dummy figure. When it gets to my turn I walk out quickly but carefully and face the mannequin. I perform my move not once making eye contact with my brother. I walk back to the line and it continues. We do this for a solid 30 minutes until they call for a break.

We all begin to make our way to the lunch hall Tyler beside me. We walk and talk about todays training so far.

"How'd you find it?" Tyler asks and I just shrug, "it was fine "
"Thought it was pretty fun I must say" he says and we arrive at the hall.
I grab an apple and sit down to eat it and Tyler grabs a sandwich. I take a bite and it crunches which has to be one of my favorite sounds.
After a few minutes Four comes over and sits down.
"Hey Four" I say and he smiles. "Hey guys, you did great at training so far today"
"Saw you holding back though Andy, on the bags"
"Hmm?" I question.
"Yeah you are capable of well more, don't hold back" He says and I go red.
"I'll try harder" I say and he nods.

Next thing I know Dom and Riley are sitting at the table. "Hey Andy,Tyler... Four" He says. It must be weird a trainer sitting with them. "Hey" I say back and Four nods along with Tyler.
"So Andy saw Eric couldn't keep his eyes off you in training. Maybe he has a thing for you eh?" He says with a wink and I stiffen up.
"There is no way Eric has a thing for me" I say with a small amount of anger.
"Well he was looking at her a lot today" Tyler chips in. "I'm with Andy on this one he doesn't have a crush on her. Eric doesn't like anyone." He says and I put my hands to the sky. "Thank you Four!" And everyone starts to laugh.
Tyler runs to the mens room and Dom turns to face me. "So Andy, we are all heading out for a few drinks tonight. You want in?" You see we aren't mean to invite transfers but your different" He says and I widen my eyes. "16 year olds can drink here??!" I say and Dom nods. A smile appears on my face. "Yes I'll come! What about Tyler?" I say and they just shrug their shoulders. As if on queue Tyler comes running down with excitement.

"What are you so happy about?" I ask. "You know Katy? That amity girl? Well she asked me out on a date. Tonight!" He says and I smile with relief. "That's amazing!" I say. "But what about you?" He says and Dom puts a hand on my shoulder. "She'll Be Fine" He says.
Four just shakes his head at our childish antics and looks at his watch. "Breaks over come on" He says and we begin to run to the training room.

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