Chapter four - Keep quiet

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Andreas POV;


I jump up to see what was the cause of the sound. I see Four standing at the door banging a metal bar of the railing. I hear the other initiates groan as they get up. "In the pit in 10" he states and walks off again. I quickly grab a towel and a spare set of clothes and head over to the showers. They are thankfully in stalls.

I get in and let the warm water drench my tired body. I leave myself to my thoughts. Eric's here; in dauntless. I remember the one thing he told me before he left be brave. Maybe it was a clue of sorts, to his location. But that would make no sense, he doesn't want anyone to know I'm related to him. After all I am just a weak erudite transfer. He is a leader, of dauntless. I doubt my mother would be happy to hear this, he was meant to rule erudite for her. I smile at the thought of it. I can't think about this right now, I have training to think about. I finish up and turn the shower off. I dry myself with a towel and get into a pair of short black Adidas shorts. I put on a black workout tank with the word 'beast' on it. I slip my feet into a pair of black Adidas trainers and pull back the shower curtain. I walk out and throw my towel in the laundry. I tie my hair up in a ponytail as I make my way back to the dorms.

When I get back Tyler is ready and we begin to walk to the pit. He went to the hall and got us muffins so we wouldn't starve. I eat my muffin as we walk to the pit. When we get there four, Tori and Eric are waiting. I freeze when I see him, I can't help it. He doesn't look over at me but Four does, he smiles slightly and then clears his throat. "Today you will be starting stage one, it is physical." Four then goes on to explain that we will be shooting and fighting and running and working out. I look over to Eric and for a spilt second i swear he looked at me. He stands forward and begins to talk. "I'm Eric, a leader here in dauntless but I will be helping out with training. You will be ranked at each stage and the lowest rankings will be leaving us. Two in total will be cut."

I'm not surprised in the least. Dauntless is a faction of strength and bravery, so why not get rid of the weak? I hope I'm not the weak. We follow four and Eric to a big room they call the training room. It is filled with punching bags and targets. The trainers walk over to the targets and Four picks up a gun. He spins it around on his finger and looks to us. "Today we will be starting with shooting. Everyone watch how I do it. Then grab a gun and find a target"

Four stands in front of a target and we gather around. He stand with two feet apart and points the gun at the target. He closes his eyes and breaths in, then out. When he breathes out he pulls the trigger and the bullet flies towards the target. It plants itself on the red spot in the middle. We all head over to the table with the guns on it and pick one up each. The cold metal feels foriegn in my hands, but I welcome the feeling. I walk over to a target and stand in front of it. I spread my feet apart then look around. I see people shooting and missing, I don't want to miss.

I know that if I follow everything four did I should hit the Center, but there's also something mentally needed to hit it. You need to believe that it will hit the Center. I take a deep breath and hold the gun out in front of me. I lock the bullet into the barrel and aim. Once it is locked on the Center I close my eyes and breath in.

You can do it

I exhale and pull the trigger. I smile to see that I hit the circle around the Center. Close enough for a first try. I do the same thing again and hit a bit closer to the Center. I get a bit frustrated, I want to hit the very Center.

"Good job, closest so far erudite" four days from behind." I smile and look back at him. "I have a name" I say and he just looks to me with a small smile barley visible. "Good shot then Andy" he walks to the next person and I look back to my target. I decide to keep my eyes open this time. I lock the bullet into the chamber again and breath in. I breath out and shoot. I smile so widely even my teeth could crack.

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