Chapter 6 - out of line jawline

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When we enter the room is set up differently. There is one big mat in the center and a board with names on it.

"Welcome back. Now you will be doing fights. Try to incorporate as many new techniques as you can. We will call you and your partners names" Eric says in a menacing tone. I don't like the sound of this.

"First up, Tyler and Dom" He says and me eyes widen. Great.
They both step up to the mat. Dom cracks each of his 10 knuckles 1 by one. Eric stands in the middle and whispers something to them. They both look angry at each other after that. What did he say?

"Go!" He shouts and Tyler and Dom run at each other. Tyler punches Dom in the gut and he comes back by a blow to the ear. Tyler slide tackles Dom and starts to kick him until Dom grabs Tyler's leg and pulls him to the floor and starts punching him, eventually four stands in and stops the fight. The ring is covered in blood, both Tyler and Dom's. Neither of them are knocked out but they are sent to the infirmary. Why were they so eager to blow each other's heads off it makes no sense to me, they were fine at lunch. It must have been what Eric said to them.

"Next up Andy and maya" Eric says with a smirk on his face. I see the blatant fear on her face, I'll take it easy on her.
Eric stands up to the mat where I face maya. "Rules, you must go until one is unable to continue- knocked out" He says and I look up to maya who is really scared. 
"Go!" He shouts and me and maya circle the ring. She tries to take a punch to my face but misses. I give her a punch to the head and she falls to the ground. I start to punch her but she somehow gets the strength to flips me onto the ground. I wack my face off the ground "bitch" I say under my breath. "Your gonna loose" she says and I don't know where this maya is coming from. From there I don't even know what comes over me. I flip us over and start whacking her head of the mat. I punch and slap and kick her. She eventually passes out and I stand up. I look at my hands and see they are covered with blood. I turn back to four and Eric. Four looks shocked, Eric is smirking. "Well done, didn't think you had it in you. Four take her to the infirmary" he says with pride in his voice.

I look back to the crowd of initiates. They are shocked. Most of them are fine but I see Zara's face. She is looking at me like I'm a monster."
"You bitch!" She says standing to the mat.
"Zara please don't" I say knowing what will happen. She slaps my face. I just stand here taking deep breaths, her slaps aren't hurting just raising my temper. "Well are you going to let her hit you like that?" Eric shouts over and I look to Zara.
"You May look and seem like a nice person but I know you are a monster. And I'm going to show everyone just you wait." She says. With that I punch her with so much force she hits the ground.

Four walks back into the room and looks at Eric. "I think that's quite enough messing with initiates for today. Class excused see you tomorrow" He says and everyone begins to file out of the hall except four and Eric. I walk up to them. "Good job today" Eric says with a smirk. My eyes are filled with rage that has been bottled up over the past few years. "Four can I speak to Eric alone for a minute. I'll meet you in the infirmary" I say and he hesitates but nods. Once four has left the room I look at Eric.

"You are evil" I say and he looks somewhat hurt"
"Cat got your tongue huh Eric? You seemed to be able to talk a lot a few minutes ago, when you were urging me to take down two helpless girls."
"I just want you to reach your full potential" he says.
"Full potential? You know what fuck you. Also what did you say to Tyler and Dom." I ask.
He smirks again and the bit of hurt that was left in his eyes has vanished. "I just said. "I wonder what Andy would prefer a winner or a loser"

With that I get so angry I make a fist and connect it with his jawline. I run out of the room and towards the infirmary. I enter the door and head up to the front desk. "Um two young boys, initiates. Tyler and Dom" I say to the lady and she clicks a few buttons on her computer. "Left 30 minutes ago. I sent them to get some food. They are fine" "thanks"

I run to the hall and look around for them. I see four and Tyler but not Dom. I head over to them and sit down.
"Hey guys" I say and Tyler looks at me. "Hey" He says and I look at his face. "Oh my god your still bleeding." I say and he just shrugs. "I'm fine, anyways how did your fight go?" He asks and I look down to my hands that I forgot to wash. "I don't want to talk about it." I say and Tyler follows my eyes to my hands. "Oh.. you won I'm guessing that's amazing!!!" I just don't answer.

"Where's Dom?" I ask and Tyler's smile fades. "With his dauntless friends. I told him he wasn't wanted here."
"Why would you do that Tyler! That's so horrible" I scowl and he just shakes his head. "You wanna go be with your boy toy? Go!" He says and I don't know what to say.
"What Eric said to you was absolutely bullshit. I don't like one of you more than the other you are both my friends!" I say and he just looks at me. "Well I don't want to be his friend"
"You are being so childish oh my god Tyler!" I almost shout.
"Tyler quit being a child. She's allowed have other friends." Four says and Tyler just storms off.
"Andy I'm sorry" Four says. "Don't Be He is being so childish." I say and my eyes turn to Eric who is entering the hall. His face is swollen with an icepack on it.
"What happened him?" Four says and just look at four. "Um I might have punched him. Shit he's coming over" fours eyes widen but he has a small smile.

"Four max and I need to talk to you" He says. He looks at me for a few seconds and I just look at the icepack. "Bye four!" I say and stand up walking over to Dom's table. "And here she is!" Dom says with a small smile as I sit beside him.  He looks over to Eric and Four talking. "Did you do that?" He says referring to Erics face. "Yep, What he said to you guys was way out of line" I say and Dom shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. Hey you still coming tonight. I think we are event playing truth or dare also known as candor or dauntless" he says and I nod vigorously. The whole table hollers. I can't help smile. "I'm gonna go get dressed into some less.. bloody clothes." I say and everyone laughs.

I walk to the dorm and throw on some black shorts and a tank top. I let my hair down and run my fingers through it. I turn around and see the dauntless bones standing at the door.
"You ready?" Riley asks and I nod. "To the tracks!" Dom shouts and I raise an eyebrow. "The tracks?"
"What fun would it be if we weren't on a train!" He says and I laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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