Chapter two - Change

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Andrea's POV-

I walk into my bathroom and look in the mirror. I comb my dirty blonde hair and put my glasses on. I run back into my room and get on a navy skirt with a blue stripe around the bottom rim. Over it I wear a powder blue loose shirt and I slip into some blue pumps. I bunch my hair up on top of my head and make a messy bun.
I walk over to my desk and pile up my books. I also pick up a picture, from when I was young. It was the time we went to the amity fields, picking corn. We looked so awkward in the middle of a bunch of red and yellow. My mother and father were handling business alongside my aunt and Eric was looking after me. Even though he is only 2 years older than me he has always been more mature. I fold it over and put it in the pocket of my skirt.

I walk out of my bedroom and don't look back. I walk into Eric's room and remember back to this time two years ago.

"Someday," Eric begins and I furrow my brows.
"Someday, you will be in this position..." he states and I'm still in confusion. "You have to make that decision based on you and your needs, not on anyone else's. It's your life and you live it" He says and I look at the ground, not fully processing the information. "Promise me one thing" he says, barley a whisper. "Yeah?" I question and he looks at me, his eyes like magnets forcing me to stare into their depths. "Promise me you will be brave"

I walk out of the room and down the stairs. I'm going to be brave, just like he asked. I knew all my life that I didn't fit in here. I'm smart, but I'm not like these people. I long for more than a computer screen to look at each day. I enter the kitchen where my mother has lunch ready. I sit at the table and she sits across from me, placing a sandwich down in front of me. "I'm not hungry" I say with a small smile on my face. "It's ok, I'll save it for when you get back" she says and I just take a deep breath. "Yeah, maybe later" I assure and she nods. "So, choosing day" She says and I nod. "Yes, it is" we sit in silence and I get up, walking to the door. "I best go, goodbye" I say and my mom smiles. "I'll see you later honey" I bite on my jaw and walk out of my house for what will probably be the last time.

I walk along the cracked side walk and I hear footsteps behind me. "Hello Andrea" Nate says from behind me. "Nate" I say as I keep my eyes on the street ahead of me. We near the hub and I look at him. "Why are you going?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "Well your mother and father are working so I figured I'd be there for your homecoming." He states and I look at him, not knowing what to say. "I'm kidding I know your leaving." He whispers to me and begins to walk towards the hub again. I follow after, in shock. I don't dare ask how he knew. We reach the front door and walk inside. I see the abnegation and erudite taking the stairs. I look over towards the elevator and then to nate. He smiles and and nods toward the group of dauntless outside the elevator. I walk over and we get in after the dauntless run inside. They hit floor 30 and it shoots up, hitting the top floor in seconds. We walk out and in through the doors. I see what I have only been told about. The stands of factions look like a rainbow.

Then I look to the bowls. Coal, glass shards, soil, smooth pebbles and still water. The still water I'm expected to drop my blood into and turn it a pinkish colour. I walk over to the sea of blue that is our faction. I see where all the people choosing are seated and look towards nate. He doesn't say anything, just pulls me into a hug. No words, just a simple gesture, but it means so much. He walks to the back of the room and finds a seat. I sit down with the initiates to be. Soon after my aunt walks into the stage, her heels clicking against the marble stairs.

"Hello everyone, as you know we are gathered here today for the choosing ceremony that will determine your quality of life. Now repeat after me. Faction before blood"

"Faction before blood" the audience says in unison and a small smile appears on Jeanine's face. "Okay so as you all know, your name is called, you walk up and take the knife, drop the blood into the desired faction. You are also welcome to take a band aid if you wish." She explains and the room goes silent.

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