ONe 🍃

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Unknown number:  Halsey, what's the homework for math ?
Tyler: pay attention  in class dumbass
Unknown number: wait a second... You're not Halsey..
Tyler: well no shit Sherlock
Unknown number: rood
Tyler: I'm not. It's just so simple to pay attention.
Unknown number: meanie, not when your fricken friends  with everyone in class, dumbo
Tyler: well, who ever u r I don't talk to strangers so I'm blocking you, also becuase I'm not a dumbo, and I'm emotional so your words can be taken seriously any time. Think.
Unknown number: NO nonono chill I was just joking, I'm Josh ;)
Tyler: hi josh, I'm Tyler.
Tyler: who r u
Josh: I'm Josh...
Tyler: I mean u can be pedo for all I know....
Josh: uh no ty I'm a student in highschool.
Tyler: ok Josh since  I'm home alone at the moment and scared every time I hear noise I need a distraction,tell me a bit about yourself
Josh: HAHA. I like a lot of things ranging from AHS, to Bates motel, pizza,ramen noodles, chewing gum, I'm 18 and I'm a senior whoop whoop! Hbu?
Tyler: dats nice. I like the same stuff you're into and more, I like to read books it makes you think hard about reality, I'm 17,im also a senior so sunrise motherfrucker!
Josh: wink wonk, when's your birthday? Considering you're a senior and 17
Tyler: December 1st
Josh: cool man, look it was nice talking but I have to go to it's 3am , GN
Tyler: tf um ok. Was nice talking you too Jish, bye!👀

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