chapter 1 Touch down on sickiness

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John pov

"ugh why me ...the re Entry" grunted under my teeth but then my vision was suddenly blurring into black and all i could hear was Alan shouting at me fading into unconscious while both of us in Thunderbird three were entering earth atmosphere at rocket speed.

all of a sudden i felt nothing but my weight got really heavy and my body oh god it feels like as if my whole body is pinned down.

"hey john....JOHN!!!...oh god damn it VIRGIL HELP JOHN ISN'T WAKING HELP!!" i could faintly Alan's cry's for help he sounds very very worried.. even i want to wake up my body is feel so exhausted so much i don't think i can.

normal pov 

Virgil came picked up his older brother trying not to hurt him anymore he was already while Scott tried to calm  down his littlest brother Alan from what he had experience, Virgil laid John down carefully in one of the medical beds and started to check everything to see what caused John to black out on re-entry   "Scott i think i found what caused John to blackout on Thunderbird 3!" 

"what was it ?" Scott replied in concerned for his brother, Virgil after a very awkward silents Virgil sighs heavily and spoke " John has caught sickness bug a bad one i think it due to exposure on the last recuse he went with you." Alan looked at both of his brothers and spoke up " but its still my fault though! i should of checks John to see if he was alright for the trip home...I...I..I'm So sorry John".  with that Alan ran as fast as he could out of the medical bay " Alan !!" both Scott and Virgil shout after him.

John pov

"ugh..huh...wh..where am i this the ....medical bay!?" i shot up right in bed it cause me to have a dizzy spell " oooh shouldn't done that uhhh" ....i heard the door to the room open  i carefully looked up since i was still dizzy and virgil just walked up to me with a tray carring what looked like a vacince and a cold bowl of water along with a cloth...

"how long have i been out for virgil?" i asked i waited penitently  for a reply from him 

all virgil did was dipped the cloth in the bowl rinse it out and then placed it on my forhead.

normal pov

" well bro you were nearly out for two hours which was about coming up to three but im glad your awake now" virgil replied but then he sighed at the fact he'll have to tell john on hows Alan.

"erm.. Virgil how did i end in the medical bay for a start? and secondly wheres alan last i check he was with me apon entery to earth?" john asked carefully try not to jolt any of his bruises he sustained during on thunderbird 3, virgil sighed deeply at the questions john gave and when he did john gave a very worried look towards his middle brother.

~ few hours later~

Virgil pov 

i told john of what happend during his time on thunderbird 3 and also how he ended up here in the medical bay, all i could do was whatch his reactions for i was telling and check his heart beat at time as well.

"john listen i know this isnt the best time for you to anything due to the sick bug and cobined with the gravity sickniess my adivce is to not get your self worked up to much just try to relax for most of this ok, me and other will make sure to keep you up to date on whats happening but ....."

just before i could say another word john asks me the second question again but this time his tone sounded abit more serious than his usual self.

John's pov

i know should be caring for my well being but from the way Vigil was avoiding my other question i need answers and i need the now! 'oh please to my mum please dont tell me my little bro worse off than i am' that all was going through my head i needed to know what happened to alan.

" VIRGIL! PLEASE TELL ME ALANS ALRIGHT!" this time i snapped i dont usually but virgil avioded my question i wasnt going take no for an answer.

i heard viril sigh and this struck loud and hard

" John what im about to tell you is not going to be easy ok........"

to be continued in chapter 2 Alan's new responabilty

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