chapter 2 Alan's new responsabilty

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Johns pov 

I woke up to hear the sound of two loudly and lively voices but unforunately the gravity was making the room spin and to mention make me sick, " uugh ok john ...lest ooh this doesnt feel right ....uun". And before i knew it i was throwing up in a buket being hold nother by ...'wait is that alan....OMG IT IS ' after throwing couple of times i grabed him by the arm and pulled him into a suffocating hug but from what virgil told me still stuck in my mind.

Flash back~ 

"alan think its his fault your in this condition but me and Scott told him it wasn't his fault and you know that too"

"i agree with you on that one but why wasn't he there to greet me when i woke up? "

'the only resopnce i got from virgil was silents and that started to worry me a lot'

"Virgil?...why wasnt alan here? did something happend i should know?"

"Scott has told him not to see you until you were better AND before you have a go at me i did try my best to convince scott to let our bro see you but he was having non of it!"

"Virge you cant be serious you just cant ! he just a kid you gotta let him know that im alright!" 

'that was when Scott came in and heard the last part, both me and virgil looked toward Scott before he said "im sorry john but if alan comes in here he will more likely think this is his own fault for that reason we need him occupied on something else and for that i put him in charge of thunderbird 5 For now until your better." And with that he felt me and virgil lone again.'

"virgil you cant let Scott do it will hurt alan's feelings not letting him see me!"

"JOHN! I AM TRUELY SORRY BUT THIS IS FOR ALAN'S OWN GOOD! *sighs* besides it wasnt my idea it was scotts im sorry but if want convince anyone it has to be scott ok... like i said im sorry" ~End of flash back

"john?....hey earth to john are you there?", i quickly snapped back into reality when i heard Alan's voice i realized i was suffocating him so i released my grip a little and gave nervous laugh. i realized Alan wasn't he because Scott let in he snucked in here so i lowered my voice just enough for Alan to hear but loud enough for anyone else to hear out side the room. 

"hehe sorry Alan i didn't mean to space out like that and any why you here. more to the point how did you get in here i thought you would be on well Thunderbird 5 with Eos ?"

I noticed Alan's expression turned from a guilt to a look of confusion and frustration.

Alan's pov 

'Hang on why did john i would somewhere else second of why voice was so low is something up that im not getting?' i decided to copy johns actions in talking to try and get answers myself.

" john what did you mean i would be on Thunderbird 5? and second of all what did you mean how i got in here i used the door of course why? what is it that im not been told?". i really needed to know what on earth john meant by but as time went by i realized that from what john told about his conversation with Scott and Virgil i must not get into trouble let alone caught by either of them! so quickly i said goodbye to him told him to get better soon and gave him one last hug before quietly sneaking away from the medical bay.

once i was out of the medical bay's corridor and check i was in the clear i made my way down to the living room to see if Gordon knows about my current situation, before i could even get to the living room Virgil bumped into me.

i gluped down the lump which was forming in my throat i could feel my heart racing ' did Virgil see me coming out of the medical bay's corridor!?' i mentally shook the thoughts from my head and hopped for what Virgil was going to say and not catch on that i went to see john.

Virgil pov 

'clearly Scott is way out of line for not letting Alan see our own brother!? i mean come on he is the only close to john than any of us.' i let out a regretful sigh for not sticking up for johns and Alan's sake anyway as i was minding my own business i didn't actually see Alan himself coming around the next Conner that was until bumped right into him accidentally sending us both to the floor i looked up and i remember i would have to send him sooner than later up to Thunderbird 5 i gave a mental sigh to my self and decided to tell him Scott needed a word with him.

"Alan I was can i put this .....I, no Scott needs to see you he's at dad's desk waiting and want to talk to you pronto!" i kinda felt guilty for not telling him that john was awake and fine....well~ish anyway the sickness bug also until the combination of johns earth gravity space sickness wears off i don't think Alan really needs to be jumping all over so to speak. i gave a mental slap for being so nervous.

i noticed Alan nodded and walked of to living room but as soon he start to get up and walk towards it i decided to tell him of what Scott said to both me and john and this isnt going to look pretty i just hope he's in a really good mood.

normal pov 

"WHAT! you knew he was already awake and both didn't tell me! Virgil how could you not mention Scott wasn't any better!" Alan screamed at his middle brother for not telling sooner Virgil looked more shocked than anything else from way his youngest brother lashing out like this and shouting wasn't him he could tell Alan was now wounded deeply by both of his brothers actions.

"Alan listen to me please i know it wasn't right telling but it wasn't my idea honestly it wasn't!" Virgil was trying to keep the tear from falling down his face but before he could do anything Alan stopped walking turned to him and talked in a tone wishing he nevered use in his life, " Virgil is it true that Scott is sending me to Thunderbird 5?.....".

Virgil pov

all i could is shiver at the tone coming from my little bro and all i could do is just is just stand there and think of how serious look he was giving all could say was

" he seriously sound as he means business" I thought to myself as i watch and follow Alan towards the the desk where Scott was sitting at.'Scooter you better watch yourself because the Alan your gonna face inst our nice little bro' 

coming up chapter 3 John's nightmare

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