Chapter 5 Alan's first time on Thunder bird 5

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John povs

" you made him do WHAT !? SCOTT HOW COULD YOU!? YOU KNOW THE LAST TIME ALAN WAS UP THERE HE NEAR---" I heard Gordon Roared at Scott I could tell he was peeved and as for me well I was furious that they let No force is more the appropriate word in this situation our youngest sibling go to Thunderbird 5 without even letting him have a single chance on saying goodbye to me. I am pissed beyond that if there was one I looked to Virgil who was for some reason still staring out of the window ignoring the argument which was going on between Gordon and Scott i managed to get Virgil's attention by making a Fake coughing sound well stupidly it turn into a real coughing fit and made Virgil darted over to check me, i just let of a somewhat between rough andraucous whimsical laugh and just barely reply with "im fine Virgil im not that ....that sick..." I started to feel the gravity pulling down on my shoulders As i was struggling to keep myself up right.

I felt warm, soft palms from two hands easing me down back onto my pillow my coughing fit soften out into a dull easy rhythm and i ask Virgil very quietly " did Alan actually come and say goodbye to at all or did he have to go and .....and..... pack his things.....ugh please dont make that face its killing me Virgil." I let out another rather raucous laughs i started to pant it felt like weight from the world was pulling my shoulders down and crushing them. feeling beads of sweat fall from my forehead and I got a sad sorrowful reply from Virgil who was at the verge of disintegrate on his knees " We both came to see you john we both did.....But you were asleep cuddled up with Gordon..he...he..he said goodbye to you both and i...i...IM so sorry john...I wanted to stop Scott but he made up his mind and...a...and oh John what have i done...." I could heard Virgil's voice crumpled into despair as he finally fell on his knees and buried his head into the sheets of my medical bed, Virgil's sweet, compassionate, caring side was reduced to nothing more but a puddle.... all i could do was listen to the others argue.

Alan's pov

as soon EOS docked the elevator in place i suddenly felt a bit homesick so i spoke to EOS " Eos as soon im done unpacking is it okay if i check in with tracy island?" I looked up to the camera and Eos replied " im detecting that your a bit homesick Alan if im not mistaken? but none the less you may checking tracy island to let them know you got here safely if that is what you want to do." I Nodded a thank you to Eos and then asked her " say Eos did john do anything fun while he was up here when there wasn't any Distress calls?" i heard eos giggled and got a chirpy response from her " usually wasn't the type for fun but i did catch him once Singing to himself i was quite amusing when finally realised that i was recording him...anyhow since your now done unpacking of what you brought if you could follow me to the communication center i will call the the Tracy island for you." I think since the time I just spent with eos i guess it isn't going to be that bad since i had her to keep me company any way as soon the living room came up i notice John and Virgil sitting on the couch together Gordon just walked in and spoke first " hey! ALAN! hows your first time on Thunder 5 with Eos then?" I smiled finally knowing they were okay i replied sarcastically " Terrible John left all of his socks and half eaten jam doughnuts floating everywhere poor Eos..." I could hear Eos laughing in the background she knew what i was doing and she kinda liked the fact i was teasing john and everyone else.

I looked back to gordon who was now laughing and asking john did really just left these floating only to see that john smirked and replied " no i didn't leave my socks floating neither did I leave half eaten jam doughnuts...IM guessing its a way of alan Saying he's got to thunderbird 5 alright then." I nodded in agreement and said " say where's mr smarty asshat then?" my tone turning a bit sour i know Scott would appere sooner or later but usually when Thunderbird 5 is call he's here instantly.

Virgil's pov

"Well he's hehehe how can i put this he's ......" i got interrupted my John who harshly Retorted " Scotts fixing Thunderbird 1 supposedly i was only lucky enough to get to go to the living room" After John finished speaking i decided to jump into the conversation with a question "alan....anyway i hate to ask this but do you know what to do when a distress call comes in?"

i noticed a nod and a smile after that he signed off from us.

after alan ended his transmission spoke up " he's grown up quite a lot hasn't he? i mean he's still the alan we know and love but i mean lately he has ...." i let out a sigh of relief. I got a reply from Gordon saying " yeah he ha hasn't he? He's like a whole new version of alan i mean he was daring enough to lash out at scott crying out loud! that takes guts specially for his age!" I also noticed john smirking in response and looked at me I couldn't help but say " what?".

Normal pov

A few months passed as john was recovering and noticed alan was doing a great job at keeping thunderbird 5 safe and doing the job to how john did it. Alan was responding to calls giving missions after missions to his siblings below but suddenly the was a distress call from the SS starlight a shuttle craft which was meant to be docking with the space station Orionsteller.

" THIS IS SS-STARLIGHT WE HAVE A HULL BREACH I REPEAT A HULL BREACH!! MOST OF MY CREW IS OFF AND USING THE ESCAPE PODS! PLEASE IF ANYBODY IS HEARING THIS MESSAGE I NEED HELP!" Alan kicked into action and tuned into the frequency " This is International Rescue reading you loud and clear please can tell me whats happen and how far are you away from the station?" alan waited a response but nothing came through " this is Thunder5 to SS-Starlight do you read me over!" alan pressed the The intercom button on his space suit and calmly as possible says "tracy island This is alan tracy calling in we have a major Situation now!"

John answered " what is it alan give me the status" he noticed that alan was putting on his helmet and said " john are you okay to go on this mission? because we have the passenger Shuttle SS-Starlight with a hull breach and Eos has picked up a single life sign stuck inside the captains quarter and what's worse the shuttles is heading course is right for a another Asteroid shower I have tried contacting the person more than once john i think the communications are down on her or his end." john Hisses in response and he got up and headed for thunderbird three " alan im coming hang on tight and give me the locations to the shuttle Quickly!"

Eos was way ahead of alan and she told him to go and help john so that is what alan did, he went and took his hoverboard and headed towards the danger zone he quickly tuned into johns intercom " john what's your ETA? because im heading toward the danger zone now!" alan could of sworn he felt johns worry " Alan that's insane! you can't just go into a dangerzone like that! just hold on will you im just passing Thunderbird 5 Eos has sent me location of the shuttle." Alan kept going his hoverboard would run out soon but he was determined to reach and help the trapped survivor.

John after hitting the thrusters managed to pick up alan on the way and they headed to the shuttle alan hurried himself to the passenger seat and said "punch it john! that shuttle got a core leakage!" john nodded in response and hit the thrusters.

will john and alan make it in time, will john over Come his fear or will it continue to haunt him find out in the next chapter The quietest survive the worst of things.

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