chapter 6 The quietest survive the worst of things

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Normal pov

"punch it john! that shuttle got a core leakage!" alan quickly stated as he sat in the passengers seat as both john and alan headed for the cargo shuttle, Eos popped up on their holoCom and spoke in a very distressed tone " John i tried to contact the trapped crew member on board but they didn't respond and that wasn't all i picked up on the situation..." Eos was quickly interrupt by Alan "tell us what you got Eos if there's something worse than it lets on then i Need to know and fast!"  alan who was not practically sweating from the situation that the shuttle was in he didn't notice that both of them arrived at the dangerZone.

Eos responded calmly to the both worried Tracy brothers and showed them an holo image of the state that the inside was in and mapped out a path to cut the trapped crew member out. " John must warn you two if that core goes off before you have time to get out with the crew member you know your not gonna come back from this i just wanna let you know..." john notice this and responded " don't worry Eos we will keep an eye on the core and think of a solution for it if we can't get the The trapped person out."

Johns pov

As me and alan head towards the shuttle i noticed that my little brother was pretty what's the word gordon uses sometimes oh yeah alan was up tight and to be honest i wouldn't blame him, "JOHN! I NEED YOU TO FOCUS!" I instantly was knocked out of my train of thoughts and notice alan was handing me the map of where the crew member was "a..alan why are you giving me the map?" before i could even respond alan just hugged me and says "I need you to get the crew member out NO matter what! okay i need you to do that for me." i couldn't believe what i was hearing is alan really going to risk trying to seal that core leakage by himself?! " no Alan Its way too dangerous to fix the core!" I interject with anger but I could see alan wasn't having any of this right now and I eventually gave in and said " PLease Promise me if something goes wrong you'll get the heck out of there right?" and all i could get from My brother was " i can't keep promises but i will try to survive much as i can john" and with that we both left in opposite directions.

honestly I managed to cut my way throw the doors which kept a tight seal trying to get my way to the trapped Crew member i could hear Alan on the intercom talking to himself probably that his way of calm himself in really bad situations as soon i hit the cabin that crew member was trapped in i hit the door three times all " this is International Rescue im here to get you out!" i got was a sore response from the other side and i started to cut the door and i shouted " I need to know have you got a helmet on?" and i heard a muffled Yes i hoped it was and As i finished the cutting i kicked and pushed but it wouldn't budge and so i  hurriedly contacted Alan " Alan i have a situation! i can't get the door opened" i got no response " Alan?.......nothing.....please Alan respond? ALAN!? ALAN THIS IS JOHN TRACY COME IN!" i finally heard alan saying " im here bro take it easy I was only trying to Seal the core leakage and that you shouting in my ear didn't help but im glad i know that you were still there Thank god" and i sighed a relief eventually but then went back to my situation and responded " alan how long before that core leakage is sealed up again because i can't get the door open..." i heard Alan yelped at the other end And i was about to say his name when he responded " SHIT OW OW OW!" I couldn't help but sworn Virgil's voice interjected and Said "Alan! language!" i changed my channel and talked to virgil " virgil did you just told alan to mind his language?" i heard virgil respond with a sarcastic response and i just chuckled but when i started to noticed that the door was slightly opened i gave it one massive kick and it went flying and I used my jetpack to instantly get to the injured which i noticed it was the captain of this shuttle and I started to make my way back out of the ship.

Alan's pov 

"shit shit shit this is bad if i stay here and keep the seal up my oxygen is gonna run out but if i go now both me and John along with the captain he just rescued with be blown before we get to thunderbird sorry but i gonna have to stay until i know your in thunderbird three and then i'll have to make a run for it!" that was it i made up my mind but i know Scott, Gordon, virgil And john along with Kayo and grandma will kill me for making this decision so i contacted Eos " hey~ Eos? i got a favour to ask" i heard her voice respond saying "what is it alan? how can i help?" i told her my plan and the next thing she said surprised me "Okay Alan i will tell you when you can stop holding the seal and get out and just to help you a little more i can give you a countdown how does that sound?" i responded " yes that'll do Eos thank you" and so i waited for Eos to tell me when john was back on thunderbird three. 

"Eos to Alan john back on thunderbird three you need to get out of there now!" I soon i heard that i started to use my hoverboard to its maximum speed all the while on my interCom i can hear Scott at john He must of just know the we both went on this mission.

"Eos how much longer my hoverboard is running out of fuel! i need to know!" I started to feel the sweat on the inside of my helmet and i could feel the unsettling sickness that the core was about to explode.

Normal pov 

"John how could you I specifically told you to stay home! you weren't ready to go on missions yet!" Scott screech at his brother John almost felt guilty And then an icey icey cold murderous Scream came from Alan's end "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.....kKKKSSSZZT" and then all in viewed the shuttle exploded and all the tracy brothers could feel was that their lives has just been flipped upside down. 

Virgil yelled at the top of his voice " ALAN!! NO! ALAN COME ONE RESPOND COME ON!" John could feel his heart was breaking even more first their dad went missing then he gets betrayed by his brother and now Alan has died.

It was after thunderbird three was slowly starting to make its way back home when Eos suddenly interjects into the silence and says " John I pick up alan's life signature..... he's alive! but he's also unconscious and can't respond" Gordon who was on the end of the channel sinces virgil was comforting grandma Tracy and Scott was comforting Kayo he answered " John alan is alive your going to get him Right? right? please tell me you are?" gordon waited for john's response and was shock by the next few words "Gordon I already Have him in my arms dont worry he's strapped tightly in the stretcher but his space suit is completely burnt but it's also completely intact Brains can you help us on how he shielded himself?" 

Brains turned around and suddenly it hit him " of c-course that it e-explains everyt-thing n-now he must of t-taken the p-protot-type i was working on!" brains brought up an image as john was setting Thunderthree on auto pilot back to thunderbird five and notice it was a map of brains new Heat core shielding and john slowly got up and checked the now rescued Captain of the Shuttle, " j-john alan maybe unconscious but he definitely used the g-gadget to his a-advantage" brains and gordon got a response from john "clever Alan, hehehe you did it again brains thankyou....I think Alan was definitely the star hero today Also Tell Scott That I think this was Alans way of forgiving him hehehe" john could only hear Grandma, Kayo, Virgil and Scott well almost Cheering in the background.

John's pov

"We're going home just hold on Alan i'll make sure not to scratch Thunderbird three" he said as he slowly strokes his brothers hair out of his face and noticed that alan had actually cried the entire time he was in the explosion 'poor alan i wonder how much heat and pressure did it take for his arms and the shield he used to give out?' John thought to himself.

Alan's flash back

"Eos how much time before it explodes!" alan started to notice his hoverboard had run out of fuel and he just managed to get of the core room, " alan this is Eos the Shuttle is gonna explode any minute now! you need to get out of there!"  alan was panicking now he tried to contacted john but the core leakage has half damaged his comlinks volume, " Eos can brains New Gadget work? the one which i have with me?"  Eos Was quiet and so Alan had no choice but to do it luckily he did it just in time as the shuttle just exploded, fighting the heat and explosion while using the shield was Taking a toll on his arms and so he let out this most bloodiest scream ever "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH KKKKssszzzt" Alan could feel his eyes getting heavy as he could hear faintly his brother virgil shouting in the background.

Alan would fade in and out now again he would use some of his strength to try and contact thunderbird three but in the end his body finally thought it was best to stay unconscious.

The last thing Alan felt was a pair of arms wrapping around him pulling him somewhere.

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