In the World? CHAPTER 1

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You were in your room on your laptop watching Naruto Shippuden as always. "CMON DONT HIT HIM SAKURA!!" you yelled and pointed. "Error Error" your laptop was in a malfuction. "Stupid laptop." you hit it and something happened. You were landed on a village. ''The leaf *gasp*" You were shocked. YOUR WERE ACTULLAY IN THE NARUTO WORLD. "W-wait.. is this shippuden? Or the original?" you thought to yourself when a person bumped into you. "Hey can you watch out?" you both stand up and it was shippuden sakura. "ok okay pretend you dont know the characters!" you thought "Oh sorry i was thinking... Im ____" you reached a hand out and she shook it "Im Sakura Haruno. Are you a ninja?" You knew all the ninja jutsus and how the hand sign works. You wondered if it would work here. "Uhhh I AM!" You softly said to sakura "Cmon lets go to lady tsunade the hokage. She'll let you be a ninja!" she cheerfully said and grabbed your arm. You thought sakura was mean but you changed your mind. You two could be best friends.You and Sakura went up the stairs and Sakura opened the door. "Lady Tsundae! Meet ____ can you make her a ninja" Tsundae looked at you and focused. "Hmmm. ___ Will you show me your jutsu?" "Oh crap.. UM LETS DO... SHADOW CLONE JUSTSU! YEAH narutos" you thought and panicked. You did the shadow clone jutsu hand sign and it actullay worked. "Hmmm i guess she can be part of the leaf ninja." you cheered and she handed the headband with long strings on the back. You tied it around your head tightly. "Thank you Lady Tsundae. Any misson you give me ill never let you down!" You and Sakura left. "Just like naruto." she laughed. Sakura was introducing you to the village. Until You and her bumped into someone. " HI SAKURA-CHAN!" Of course it was naruto. He looked so cute in person. "Hey sakura imma go. I need some clothes." You smiled. "Alright see you ___." She smiled. "Hey sakura-chan who was that?" Sakura hit his head. "YOU IDIOT YOU DRIVE MY FRIEND AWAY!" she yelled. *Your P.O.V* "First things first. Those Fishnet Short Sleeves. Then... Those shoes they wear. And then MY own clothes!!" You cheered. You didnt need to buy them because Shizune gave you them "Here ___" she gave them to you. "Thanks Shizune it means alot to me." You hugged her and she smiled and left. You quickly untied your headband and put the fishnet short sleeves on. You put a plain black shirt on top of it. Then your main shirt was a zipper hoodie. Some shorts and finally shoes. You tied your headband and put your hair down. "Why would ninjas wear jackets even though its hot? Like naruto *sigh*" you said. *Time skip* Sakura opened your door and saw what your wearing "You look so pretty ___-chan!" You thanked her and she grabbed your arm and dragged you to a field. "This is the training field where naruto and sakura work.. Kakashi too." you thought. You watched everysingle episode of naruto shippuden. You know everything. "Kakashi sensi this is ____ Tsunade said shes joining our team!" You were shocked "Sakura when did she said that?" You questioned but she ignored it. "Ahh ___ Im Kakashi im your new sensi." You saw him reading his book "Make out paridise huh?" You laughed and quickly opened your pouched and took the rarest book nobody had. "Here kakashi sensi." His eyes was widened "T-t-t-this is" "Yeah i had it. Haha here you can have it." He took it and read it." He was enjoying it so much. "HEY KAKASHI SENSI SAKURA-CHAN!" "*Sigh* what is it naruto." Naruto looked at you and you looked away. You had a crush on him when it came to shippuden. "Whos she?" "Thats our new team mate." "HI IM NARUTO UZUMAKI!" he reached his hand out. "hehe im ____ Shinobi" You shook his hand "Im hungry i need ramen." "NO WAY YOU LIKE RAMEN?!??!?" he yelled. "Yup i do." Naruto blushed and took your hand and you blushed hard. "listen old man.... Extra large pork miso with extra pork." you said while naruto was still shocked. "T-thats your favorite to?" he blushed "Yup. OH AND 4 BOWLS OF RAMEN!" naruto dropped his jaw wide and you two were eating. "Im stuffed." naruto said patting his stomach "me to." you leaned on his shoulder and you randomly fell asleep. Naruto got shocked and carried you bridel style.*NARUTOS APARTMENT* "i cant believe im falling for you ___" he said whispering and put you down on his bed. He slept by you and randomly hugged you in his sleep. *song Fooling mode* You woke up and saw someone hugging you "AHHHHH *slaps person*" Naruto woke up from your slap and saw him on the floor being hurt "o-OWWW that hurt ya know? Dattebyo...." "O-oops sorry naruto-kun. I didn't know it was you." "o-oww it still hurts.." he rubbed his cheek. You kissed his cheek and he blushed and it felt all better "All better naruto-kun?" you giggled. "Y-yeah l-lets go to the t-training field and meet up the t-team." you grabbed his hand and locked in with his. You and Him blushed.

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