Chapter 2 - A New Friend

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With Poppy in her apartment, Raven questioned why she even let her in. They were the complete opposite to each other. Poppy's ocean blue eyes and her tanned glowing skin was perfection compared to Raven. Her personality is so bubbly and outgoing and Raven can't leave her apartment without having a panic attack. This is what Raven did whenever she met someone new, she dragged herself through her own twisted thoughts. These thoughts being that she wasn't good enough and that she doesn't deserve to be in their life. Raven know's she is extremely lonely and her green eyes beg for love and attention.

Lost in thought, Raven completely forgets Poppy is standing right in front of her. The whole time Raven has been like a mannequin, not moving or even blinking. Poppy's usually smile is replaced with a worried expression, "are you okay, Raven?" Poppy questions. Raven doesn't respond but instead a single tear slowly rolls down her cheek. Poppy reaches her out hand and wipes away the tear. The warm presence of her hand was like an electric shock. Raven quickly blinked her tears away and took a step back away from Poppy. "Coffee?" Raven said in a faint voice. Poppy nodded but was still worried about the wellbeing of Raven. Why was she crying? And why is she so scared? These were the many questions that were running through Poppy's mind.

The warmth of the coffee mug spread across her hands and all throughout her body. Poppy soon felt warm again and quickly took a sip before placing the mug on the coffee table. A plain leather sofa was the only option as a place to sit and the sofa was accompanied by two cream cushions. Both Poppy and Raven sat down and there was a moment of silence before Poppy spoke up. She kept glancing at Raven and quickly back again, "I want to know more about you. I know you are lonely and I want to be there for you." Poppy said as she reached her hand out to hold Raven's. Poppy's words left Raven star struck as she has never been treated like this before. As Poppy held her hand for reassurance, Raven debates whether to tell Poppy her past. She has only known her for a few hours but she feels calm knowing she was there with her.

There was another moment of silence. Raven took a deep breath and pointed her gaze at Poppy. She decided to tell Poppy all about her mothers disappearance and that it'll soon be the second anniversary of her disappearance. After telling Poppy this, Raven cannot hold back the tears and soon begins sobbing uncontrollably. At the same time she felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders and was grateful that Poppy listened. They both embraced in a hug and arranged to meet again. Raven smiled and this time she was not faking her happiness.

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