Chapter 4 - Morning Sunrise

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Raven woke up from the nightmare gasping for air. She gripped her knees as she slowly tried to breath normally again. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and her whole body was shaking. It was another nightmare but Raven could only think about the man she saw. She fell back into the sofa and sighed before quickly examining her surroundings. Her breathing was now at a slower rate and she could now relax. Raven noticed she fell asleep on the sofa and it was only early morning, it was still slightly dark outside. Her apartment was pitch black and the eerie feeling soon came back, she quickly reached over and turned on the lamp.

Raven sat there for a few minutes before she noticed the sudden beams of light piercing through her windows. The sun was rising. Raven stood up and stretched, her fragile bones cracking in the process. She made her way to the window and witnessed the sun rising over the empty streets of London. The rain had now stopped and the sunrise reflected into the many puddles that were on the streets. The warm yellow glow lit up Raven's pale skin and made her eyes sparkle. She smiled as she felt her skin slightly warm up from the sun rays.

Birds began singing in the distance as they awoke from their peaceful slumber. Raven was still smiling as she rested her head against the wall. The sunrise turned the sky shades of yellow and red. It was beautiful and made Raven forget all about her worries, the second anniversary of her mothers disappearance and that strange man in her dreams. She decided to enjoy the moment.

*Beep* Raven's phone light up and saw it was a message from Poppy. She turned her gaze to her phone and read the message. Hey! I know it's early but I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee? We can meet at around 9:00am - Poppy x. Raven didn't really want to go but thought that it would be a good idea to get some fresh air. Her anxiety made going outside a challenge but Raven was getting fed up of being restricted by her anxiety. She quickly replied with a yes and looked back at the sunrise. The sun rays covered the streets and people were seen leaving their homes to get to work.

Raven wanted to imagine that this would be a good day but she had a gut feeling that something would go wrong today.

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