Chapter 3 - An Unwanted Nightmare

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Soon after Poppy had left, Raven slowly closed the door as the feeling of loneliness spread throughout her body. She was alone again and her radiant smile was soon replaced with a blank expression. Raven lifted her head up to look at the clock but her head felt as if it weighed a ton. She quickly glanced at the time and realised it was almost noon. With nothing else to do, Raven dragged her feet along the wooden floor as if it was thick mud and fell back into the soft leather that was her sofa.

The television was now on and the bright colours were splattered across the walls. Raven hugged her knees up to her chest and let out a sigh. A romance movie was playing and Raven couldn't help but to roll her eyes. The main character bumped into her future husband on the streets... If only that happened in real life, Raven couldn't help but imagine if this happened to her. She quickly grabs the remote and switches off the television. Raven knew that would never happen and couldn't stand the movie anymore. With the television off, the apartment was quiet. The silence was eerie but Raven didn't care. Her eyelids slowly began to close and it was a struggle to keep them open. She falls back into the sofa and falls asleep within seconds.

"Where am I?" Raven whispered as she looked at her surroundings, it was pitch black. Out of nowhere a faint light begins to flicker and suddenly a flash of light spreads across the room. Raven's heart beats fast and her breath hitches at the back of her throat. She cannot believe where she is, it was her mothers bedroom. Everything was still the same, her bed sheets ripped from the bed and all her belongings had gone too. Tears begin to form in Raven's eyes as she stares at her surroundings. She takes a step forward and hears the sound of paper from under her foot. Her vision was blurry from crying and her curiosity was killing her. Raven bends down and grabs the piece of paper. It was a photo of a young man with the darkest brown eyes, it looked like his eyes were almost black. Raven has never seen this man before but questions why this is here, his pale skin and all black clothing only confused her more. "Who is this?" She says to herself as she stares at the photo. Raven is soon interrupted by her thoughts as she hears an ear piercing scream. The words 'help me' were repeated and didn't stop. Raven put her hands over her ears and knew that voice was her mother. Darkness began spreading across the room and slowly began creeping over Raven's body. Her body was slowly being consumed by the darkness. The screams got louder and louder, her vision suddenly turned black as she was taken into the shadows.

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