Chapter 9 - Unwanted Visitor

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A tall man was leaning against the door frame. His tight fitting clothes and jet black shoes indicated this man was not poor. A strong smell of cologne took over Raven's scent and she was already addicted. She quickly glanced up so that she could now see his face but to be only hit by what seemed like a ton of bricks. Raven fell to the ground and gasped for air. It was him, from her nightmare and the park. Her head felt as if it was pulsing and would burst any second due to the amount of questions she had. Raven's fingertips felt numb and her legs were like jelly, she could not stand up.

He towered over her as she was having a panic attack on the floor. He lowered himself down to her level and placed his hand on her shoulder. His touch sent electric shocks through her body and caused her heart to race. Raven turned to face him and noticed how his eyes were full of regret. She wiggled under his touch, her shirt slipped down to reveal her bra strap and scars. A small gasp escaped her lips as she pushed herself away. "Who are you?" Raven asked, the words came out as a slight mumble due to her trembling. He concentrated on her movements as he didn't want to startle her. His tall figure was now hovering over Raven. The expression of shock was still plastered onto her face as she waited for an answer. Raven grips the end of the shirt attempting to cover her exposed body as she notices he's getting closer.

There was a moment of silence before he took a deep breath and said "the name is Ares." He smiled and quickly stood back up. Ares extended his arm out for Raven to grab and she nervously accepted. He pulled her into a hug and Raven's eyes widened as she awkwardly wrapped her arms around this stranger. She kept questioning what was going on in her mind and mentally slapping herself.

She had a lot of questions that needed to be answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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