Chapter 8 - Second Anniversary

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Yesterday's events were still running through her mind. The man from her nightmare, Raven never thought he would actually be real. Poppy, her only friend came knocking on her door and just cried. Their friendship grew stronger but Raven wished Poppy told her sooner.

It was now morning and Raven was lying in bed as her phone alarm was going off. Beams of light sneaked  through the gaps of the curtains and now lit up her bedroom. With her room no longer pitch black, Raven pulled the covers from over her head just enough that her eyes could visibly see the room. She scanned the room as if she was expecting someone to be there but not a soul was present. A sigh escaped her lips as she rolled over to stop the ringing that was her alarm. Her phone lit up as she received a notification, 9th December: Second Anniversary. It has now been two years since Raven was left alone and her life has been filled with anxiety ever since.

Raven stumbled into the living room to find two empty coffee mugs on the table. Left over coffee still remained and slight coffee stains were seen on the table still. Raven gathered the mugs and placed them in the sink, along with other empty dishes. Pieces of the broken coffee mug were still scattered over the kitchen floor. Raven stepped carefully as she made her way towards the sweeping brush in the corner of the kitchen. With a sigh, Raven began to brush and hardly put any effort in. Soon there was a small pile and Raven could safely dispose of it. With the job done, Raven sat down and sunk into the couch. The leather felt like ice against her skin and she cringed before her body adjusted to it.

The apartment was silent. All that could be heard was the ticking of the clock, Raven felt uneasy. She glanced down and noticed she was still her in underwear and had not changed. Raven had no sense of encouragement to do anything. She would normally cry but there was no tears or the feeling of sadness. Raven blankly stared at the floor and felt as if she was stuck in a daydream like state. "Another year alone..." Raven whispered to herself. Even with her new friend, Poppy doesn't fill that emptiness in her heart, only her mother can.

The sound of the clock grew irritating as it ticked and ticked. The silence made Raven feel uneasy again. With no plans for the day, her bed felt very welcoming and seemed like the perfect place to be. Within seconds Raven was standing up and began to stretch, her arms cracking in the process. She glanced over at the kitchen before entering the bedroom, Raven decided to skip breakfast and just go back to sleep. As she stepped foot into her bedroom, a faint knock was heard at the door. Raven froze in her tracks and quickly searched for a t-shirt to throw on. She could only assume it was Poppy so she quickly grabbed a t-shirt and rushed to the door. She sighed with relief as it just about covered her torso.

With no delay she opened the door but it was not Poppy who was on the other side.

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