Chapter 5 - The Coffee Shop

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The clock struck 8:00am as Raven was still in a trance. She didn't want to go out but she couldn't let Poppy down. The many failed friendships were because she never tried hard enough, this would not happen this time.

Raven walked to the bathroom as the floorboards creaked underneath her. She quickly stripped and turned the hot water on in the shower. The rise in temperature felt great against her icy skin as Raven was washing her hair. With no time to lose, she hopped out and grab any form of clothing from her wardrobe. Her clothing clung to her wet skin as she was rushing to dry her hair. With only 15 minutes left, Raven was ready and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She was trying to remain positive even though she was terrified about going out with Poppy.

There was a loud knock at the door which made Raven jump. She anxiously unlocked the door and there was Poppy smiling. Her tanned skin was glowing as she smiled at you with glee. With her fashionable coat and bright makeup, Poppy was ready to leave. Poppy yanked at Raven's arm as the door slammed shut behind her.

The coffee shop was only a few minutes away, Raven couldn't be more thankful for the short distance. Poppy had a tight grip on her hand and was not going to let go until they reached their destination. The rain had finally stopped but the weather was still bitter cold. Raven just wanted to be somewhere warm. They saw the store and Poppy dragged Raven to the welcoming smell of coffee. The doors swung open as they both stepped inside, "why don't we sit over there?" Poppy said as she pointed to two chairs in the corner. Raven nodded and quickly made her way over. Surprising her anxiety wasn't that bad, Raven was enjoying her time and she even made a new friend. While she was lost in thought, Poppy places two cups of coffee and a few biscuits on the table. "My treat!" Poppy smiled as she took a sip from her cup of coffee.

Time flew by while Raven and Poppy munched on their biscuits and drank their coffee which had now gone cold. To Poppy's surprise, Raven was very talkative and seemed to forget about her anxiety. It was like she was a completely different person. Poppy couldn't help but smile while she thought about it, she was glad she made a new friend. Poppy had been lonely since the breakup, she had been cheated on but decided to keep this from Raven. She was just happy to help her friend.

Raven glanced up at the clock, the time was 11:15am. She gasped as she realised the time but then she smiled to herself. Her anxiety felt not existent around Poppy and she could truly be herself. She was only a familiar face a few days ago, now they acted if they knew each other for years. After tidying away their cups, they both hugged and said goodbye. Raven decided to stay out and go for a walk. Poppy said she had somewhere to be but her facial expression quickly changed for the worst. Raven decided not to question it as she watched her disappear into the distance.

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