A Love Better Than Life

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So pure

So unchanging

So precious

So fulfilling, it always leaves me wanting more

So timeless

So steadfast

So unconditional

So refreshing, it infuses my soul from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet

Your love,  oh Lord

Yes, your love

(Part of the poem "A Love Better Than Life" from my upcoming book- Outpourings of A Beloved Heart.)


God's love is all around us. Yes even in this wicked and dying world. God's love is still all around us. For in it, we live, move, breathe and have our being. If God's love, unfailing mercies and grace were an ocean, then we would all be sinking. It is not in His nature to hold back anything from us and if He could give up His own beloved Son Jesus so that we could be saved, then what more could we possibly ask for? Indeed God's love is all around us, but are we aware of it? Are we sensitive to it? Do we see it? Do we feel it? Do we let Him into our hearts so we can experience the power of this love?

Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

God bless.

Joanny :)

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