If You Are Willing

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"If You are willing", He said

The man with leprosy had been long deserted

"If You are willing Lord, make me clean"

"I am willing", Jesus said, "Be clean"

If You are willing Lord, You can

When the world deserts me and I am left in Your hands

If You are willing, You can comfort me

"I am willing", You say. "My rod and my staff, they comfort you"

If You are willing Lord, then I will

Teach me to deny myself and to love Your will

So that I may have a taste of eternity

Where I will forever experience the joy of obeying Your will


We read about God's will in His word. Sometimes His will is clear in certain situations for example, He wants use to give thanks in all situations and He wants us not to worry and to not be afraid or be fearful because He is with us. Some other times, His will is not so clear. Some times we just may not know.

When we pray and say "Let you will be done", do we really mean those words? Do we really acknowledge the fact that His will is perfect in whatever situation we find ourselves in? Do we believe that His will is good and perfect even when we do not understand? Remember today, that in whatever situation you find yourself in, His will for you is good and perfect. Trust His will. He knows what He is doing.

Have a lovely day and God bless.

Joanny :)

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