My Only Hope Is You

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I say to my Lord

"But Lord I have sinned against you

I do not deserve you

My strength and body is weak

I am not worthy"

My Lord says to me,

"Yes I see the depths of your heart

I know you have sinned

But I will still give you my love.

My mercies and grace are so abundant

I will empower you and lift you up again

I know you have flaws and shortcomings

I know you have made mistakes

But even for your vilest offences, I still love you

You are mine and I can never forsake my own

I can love you together again

Just like a father loves His child.

I will be your light

I will be your strength



Happy New Year everyone.

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and I hope that your new year is going well so far. One of my resolutions this year is to write more poems and also share more with the world. So I thought I would share more of my poems here with you guys. This is just an excerpt from a poem I wrote a while ago. I can't remember what it was I was going through when I wrote it but I do know I was not in a good place. I was feeling really discouraged about the situation I was in and it was hard to get the motivation to get by. God met me at that place and the Holy Spirit inspired me to write this poem. 

I was reminded of Psalm 39:7 where king David wrote,

 "And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you."

He was in a very devastating place too and he had many troubles, enemies and personal struggles he was dealing with. However, he never let go of God. He knew that his hope was in God alone. As we go into the new year, let us remember that our hope is in God alone. Let us not try to put our hope and trust in people and things which will fail us. God never fails us. When life tries to strike us down with many troubles to leave us discouraged, let us remember that God is on our side, He never leaves us and He will never stop loving us. 

I hope your new year is filled with so many blessings and hope.

Thank you so much for reading.

Have a lovely day.

God bless.

Joanny :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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