The Way Of Life

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As you go through life you'll sense

That life's got just one end

So living in it you have to be careful

And most of all you have to be truthful

Don't always try to please everyone

Because in the end, you'll end up with no one

For you'll never be able to meet up to their expectations

Instead, try to please God in every situation

Learn to say no sometimes

Lest they learn to exploit you anytime

In every situation, always be thankful to God, the Father

Coz He knows the whole mystery of the matter

(A part of the poem "The Way Of Life" from my upcoming book- Outpourings Of A Beloved Heart)


I wrote this poem when I was about 14 years old and every time I read it, I think to myself "wow I really knew what the way of life was back then". Did I really understand what life was about then? Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't but these words still ring true. God is the centre of our lives. He is our purpose and our very reason for living. Do we put Him at the centre of things we do? Even the very small things that we think do not matter? Do we strive to give Him glory in everything we do? The way of life is to give God glory. Do our lives truly reflect His glory? Do others see Jesus in us?

Please do let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

God bless 

Joanny :)

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