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Hello everyone!

I really hope you all are doing well. I've been really stressed lately. I'm halfway through exams which is sort of relieving but that means I'm closer to doing my geography exam which I'm gonna to die because of and I've started to get lots of anxiety attacks and I'm going to see a doctor about it soon if my mom ever actually makes an appointment like I ask her every single day. 

On the bright side, this book has 4k reads which is just insane. Thank you all so much. I've been thinking and I highly doubt that the new book is going anywhere so I'm taking it down. I didn't expect it to get as much attention as this one so I have a new plan.

Im gonna go through this book and update the things and maybe whole parts that I don't like eventually. That way, more people can read something I'm proud of then something that I'm not the happiest about.

This is gonna be a short chapter since I gotta study and I wanna continue writing books and drawing because I've been getting lots of ideas lately. All in all thank you so much. You all make my day when you comment and even read this book. 

Please stay in good health and don't skip meals <3


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