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Niall's POV 

"No, no, not the carrots," I fretted after dropping the bowl to the ground, scrambling to pick them all up. I had only counted 14 in all, out of the 16 that Harry wanted. 

I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder and spun around to face Liam. "Niall, it's alright, it'll be okay." 

I ignored him and turned back around, picking up the rest of the vegetables and lifting the bowl. I stood up to bring them to the kitchen sink where I slammed the bowl on the table and placed my head in my hands. 

Once again I felt Liam's presence as put both hands on my shoulders and bent down to my height. "Niall, you gotta help me here. What's wrong?" 

I just rubbed my face and didn't look at Liam, focusing my gaze on our shoes. 

"The requirements. They should've been at least filled by now, if not by more so that we have more food for ourselves. That jerk will be here soon, and they'll expect the right amount of food, and here we are just struggling and he has the nerve to want to take most of our supply!" I ranted, fisting Liam's shirt. 

"And here I am, being a wreck when I should be stronger for Carrie and Daniel and Jolene and Jenny and—" I was cut off by Liam pulling my into his chest with his strong arms, putting his chin on the top of my head.

"Niall, it's okay. We'll figure this out together. Please, don't worry. I'd worry for you if I could." He said quietly, pulling away from me to look into my eyes.

I smiled weakly at him, grateful for my best friend when I was so frantic. Harry's requirements had me stressing, and being one of the main reasons why he came here so often, I felt it was my duty to carry most of our group's responsibilities. 

He had come through here thrice with two of his men in tow in the last weak, claiming to be "checking up on things" and such, but really only stressing me out by reminding me that we were nowhere near to the amount of provisions that he required of us. 

Liam's brown eyes looked into mine and he smiled, relieving some of my tension. "If I could stop that bastard from worrying you and annoying you I would. I'm sorry." 

I smiled back at him and patted his shoulder. "It's not your fault, Liam, but thank you." I gave him a quick kiss to the cheek before I moved back to counting and cleaning the carrots, frowning at the amount. 

Not enough food, not enough supplies, not enough time. 

This whole situation would be hell, I could just feel it. 


I was laying on my back, looking up at the ceiling in Liam's room when Daniel ran into my room, a worried look on his face. 

I quickly sat up and motioned for him to come over. 

"Are they here?" I asked.

"Just down the road," He whispered. "Mum told me to hide in the closet in here. She doesn't want them near me." 

I nodded and helped him into the closet, placing a casual chair in front of it to make it look like no one was using it afterwards and leant against the door. 

"Hey buddy?" I asked. 

"Yeah?" His voice came out muffled. 

"If anyone comes in here, be silent, okay? If it's one of us, we'll knock on the door like this," I proceeded to do our little code knock, then listened to the boy afterwards.

"'Kay," He said quietly, "Niall?" 


"Mum told me you can come in here too with me, if you like. She knows how the big man bothers you."

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