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Harry's POV

I walked down the street, swinging my chainsaw in my my grasp, letting it rest on my shoulder eventually.

The people around me politely nodded towards me when they saw me, men with their families and children with their parents, and I would grin and nod back, continuing my stroll.

I walked into the manor finally, and was climbing my way up the grand stairs when I heard the door slam shut behind me and heard heavy breathing.

I turned around quickly to see Zayn standing there, at the bottom of the stairs, catching his breath. He looked up then with a wild look on his face.

"Sir," He said, out of breath. "They're here."

I chuckled. "What the hell Zayn? Who's here?"

His looked around hesitantly before whisper-yelling. "T-the Goblins!" 

My heart immediately dropped and I ran towards him. "No. No way." I shook my head. 

"W-We found them... under the..."

I was getting sick of Zayn's wheezing so I dragged him up the stairs into my office where no one would hear us talking.

If he was right, if they are here, no one can hear about this.

I shoved him down into a chair opposite my desk and waved him off. "Go ahead. Talk."

Zayn looked uneasy. "We found Jared just a couple hours ago, it took me ages to get back here, sorry for the delay."

I nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"We found him under the bridge, the one just ahead of the Inn."

"Jared?" I asked, surprised. He was one of my main men that had gone out on a hunt for recruits about a week ago. When he didn't come back after two days, I assumed he had died.

"Yeah. His legs were gone and it looked like he had turned, but he also had a hole in his chest... He was mostly likely killed a couple days earlier."

"Jesus Christ," I said, running my hand through my hair. "How the hell did they find us? How many are there?"

"...I don't know."

I growled. "That was a rhetorical question."

Zayn just glared at me, which pissed me off more. "Louis said he can't find their trail. He tried for hours before we came to you, no footprints, nothing."

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, pulling at my hair. This was not good.

"Sir, I—"

"Get the hell out," I interrupted, waiting for Zayn to leave. "I said get out!"

Zayn stood up and walked to the door, but not before turning around and looking at me dead in the eye. "Listen, you can be pissed and confused all you want, we all are, but just remember, last time you lost your cool, you also lost control of everything. Get a grip."

He walked out and closed the door behind him, leaving me to my thoughts.

I cooled off for a while, punched a wall a few times, screamed as loud as I could, and then sat down with a glass of whiskey.

We just got rid of them a little bit over a year ago. If they had come back, they had to have had reduced numbers. We wiped them all out.

If they were here to fight again, they better be damn well prepared.


I walked out of my office a bit later, chainsaw by my side, machete in my belt, ready to go.

Zayn and Louis were in the main dining area, joking around and loading their guns when I walked in. They both stood up and looked at me with confused faces.

"Sir?" Louis asked.

"Get your stuff ready, and grab a few of the guys. We're making a trip to the Inn, alright? We're going to tell them that it's just a check-up, but we have to check the surrounding area. The Goblins won't get us this time, we have to make sure of that. There can't be that many of them."

Zayn looked surprised. "You want to go now?"

I nodded. "We know they're sneaky, and they've surprised us once before. We have to catch them before they catch us."

For the next few minutes, Zayn and Louis went around gathering our scavengers and men, and then we loaded into the armored trucks and set off for the Inn about a half an hour down the road. 

I was driving while Zayn sat in the passenger's seat, with Louis and Brady in the back. The three of us had decided not to tell anyone about the possibility of the Goblins besides those who already know, which was Zayn, Louis, Garrett, and me. 

"So, Boss," Garrett started. "Are we going on this trip just so you can see your little blonde twink again?" He chuckled.

I slammed on the brakes and turned to face the backseat, holding my pocket knife up to Brady's throat. "Watch your fucking mouth, Garrett."

He held his hands up in defense and Louis laughed. I started the truck again and we were off to the Inn.

Blondie had nothing to do with this. Well, not really. Sure, the people living at the Inn were expendable, but they provide a little for us, and in return we provide safety for them. That's the deal. 

The road to the Inn was a highway that eventually thinned down into an old dirt road that we had created to access our other resource "stations". The highway was rough and littered in dead bodies, the road lines from years before the apocalypse long faded away.

As we travelled farther down the road, a Roamer appeared on the left side of the road. With the boys egging me on, we plowed right into it, sending it rolling over the hood and flying right behind us. 

Had today not have already been a stressful day, I wouldn't have wasted the time nor risked the cracking of the truck's windshield to hit that Roamer. The anxiety of the Goblins looming near and the excitement of seeing my little Blondie soon just skyrocketed my adrenaline. 

I gripped the steering wheel a little bit harder and then heard Zayn chuckle next to me. 

"So tell us a little bit about your Ninja." he started. "What do you think about him? What are you going to do with him? He's feisty on the surface, I'll give him that. But I think if you try hard enough you can break him down to be your little bitch just like all of the others." he said with a foul tone. 

Louis and Brady laughed cautiously in agreement. 

I grinned maliciously. "You wanna know what I think?" I asked. "I think you should all just shut your fucking mouths before you say something you regret." 

Zayn shifted slightly away from me and Louis whistled lowly. It was quiet for a few moments. 

"But, I will admit that his ass is the tastiest thing I've seen throughout this whole fucking apocalypse from hell." I added with a chuckle. 

All three of them burst into laughter as we continued down the road to the Inn. Hopefully we can get there in time to set up some makeshift traps or some crap like that in order to prepare for the shitstorm that is quickly approaching.

Hey guys! I have no excuses for how late this is, it's completely unprofessional and just so ungrateful to all of you! I am so, so, so sorry. This chapter isn't very good, but I hope you like it all the same. Some big stuff is coming and I am trying to stay on top of my writing game!

Again: I am so, so sorry, and thank you all for continuously voting on this story and commenting and doing all that you do. I also recently hit 200 followers, so thank you all for following me and always leaving sweet comments and messages for me! It means the world!

Love Ellie

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