chapter 2

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FRIDAY, 11:32 PM

I slowly wake up and feel like someone is carrying me. I realize that I might of blacked out from the alcohol for a couple of minutes. I try to somehow move, but I can't. 

I could feel that someone is putting me down on something soft and I recognize I am laying down on an extremely comfy bed.

I groan in pain from the nausea that I feel from the previous shots of alcohol. 

I finally slightly open my eyes and I see Espen standing in front of me.

"What's going on, where am I?" I say tiredly.

"Don't worry you're still at the party, you just blacked out and I felt like you needed to rest." 

"Um okay, thanks?" I say in confusion. 

"Look thanks for this, but I need to get back to my friends." I try to get up but Espen gets in my way. 

"Excuse me." I say while trying to somehow get up from the bed.

"Relax Britt. You have a lot of time." Espen blocks my way again from getting up.

His body comes closer to mine and he puts his hand around my waist.I could feel and smell his breath stinking from alcohol. 

I try to to push him off, but I can't compared to the small body of mine. 

Espen begins to kiss my neck. I try to resist, but I can't. I'm too weak. 

"Stop it!" I yell, while trying to push him off again. 

I hear someone busting into the room and I feel a slight relief. The person quickly pulls Espen off me and I recognize that it's Chris. Chris Schistad. 

"What the fuck, man!" Chris pushes Espen. 

Chris had such an angry look on his face. He looked very pissed off. I didn't quite understand why. Yes, one of his friends tried to take advantage at me while i'm drunk as heck. But, it's not like he knew me that well. It's not like were friends or anything. I only bumped into Chris in the school halls and had a few drinks with him. That's all. 

"Dude what the hell, relax!" Espen pushes Chris back. "Dude we were just hooking up. Whats the big deal?" 

I get up from the bed. "You asshole. No we weren't!" I say with anger. How could he lie like that. He knew he was taking advantage of me. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I didn't know why, but I really wanted to cry. I try to resist the tears because I don't like when people see me cry. I also didn't want to cry in front of Chris or Espen. I didn't want to look weak in front of them. 

"You think I'm fucking dumb? I heard Britt yell you asshole!" Chris said, while pushing Espen at his chest after each word he said. 

Espen scoffs. 

I quickly rub my tears of my face, while Chris and Espen weren't looking at me. 

"Espen, just fucking leave." Chris lowered his voice down and faced the ground while pointing at the door. 

"You just wish you got as close to her as I did." Espen heads to the door. 

He looks at me before leaving the room and gives me a big smirk. 

I could feel Chris's eyes on me. I look back at him. I  feel like he knows I'm about to start crying, so I sit down on the bed. 

He walks to me and sits down beside me. 

"Thanks." I say with no emotion, while looking down at my hands. 

"I'm so sorry Britt I didn't th-" 

"How did you know I was here? How long did I black out for?" I cut him off with my questions.

Chris signes. "After you had a couple of shots you immediately fell asleep. I went to go find Noora, but I couldn't. I think she vanished off with William somewhere." 

"Okay." I say.

"Then I noticed you were gone. I was wondering were you left so quick. I asked some people around and they said that they saw you getting carried by Espen upstairs. I run up, I heard someone shout and I figured it was you." Chris looks at me.

"This is why I should never drink again." I say trying to lighten the mood with a small giggle. 

Chris smiles at me and gives me a hug. 

I didn't really expect it. His hug was so warm and gentle. I think it was one of the best hugs someone ever gave to me. I could feel tears coming out of my eyes again. I try to hold them back. 

"So uh, I guess I'm going to go back home."I break the hug. 

"Do you want me to drive you?" Chris asks.

"No that's okay. I'm probably going to take the bus or something." I say, while getting up from the bed and pulling up my jeans.

"Britt, I'm driving you. How can you resist me." Chris winks and gives me a huge smile. 

I roll my eyes. "Okay. Ya, sure." I say.

We head down the stairs and I'm pretty surprised that there are still a lot of people partying at the penetrators party. I try not to look around the room because I was scared that I might see Espen. 

We make it outside and I feel the cold breeze on my face. It's the best feeling ever after you come out of a humid house filled with 300 people. 

I follow Chris and he shows me his car. It is a dark blue Mercedes.

"Wow." I say, while checking out the car. 

Chris laughs. 

"Where do you live?" Chris asks me while setting up his GPS on his phone. 

"14 Juels Gate." I say.

It felt like a long drive, even though I live around 15 minutes away. We didn't say a single word throughout the whole drive. I just stared at the window and saw about 4 parties going on. 

"Alright were here." Chris parks in front of my house. 

"Now I know where you live." 

I roll my eyes and smile.

"Bye Chris." I say.

He just gives me wink and leaves in his beautiful dark blue Mercedes.


yay chapter 2 is finished! I'm so excited for this story omg. 

sorry for taking so long to upload chapter 2. I have been getting a ton of homework and assignments. 

feel free to tell me your thoughts about this story so far and if I have any spelling errors (i'm not the best writer lol). 

- love amy :)

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