chapter 6

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"Holsen?" Chris lets out a chuckle.

"What?" I whisper, not even laying my eyes on him. My hands are shaking so much they feel like they are about to fall off. I just kissed Chris Schistad and called him my boyfriend. What the hell was I thinking? What the hell is he thinking?

"You surprise me everyday." Chris begins to walk to the school driveway.

"You don't even see me everyday and you've literally known me for less than a month." I follow him. 

God why does Chris always change the subject.

He laughs. "What was that?"

Then he just randomly brings up the kiss. Typical. "Ya, um, about that, it was nothing. Just forget about it." 

"Are you breaking up with me?" He stops and gives me this look like I broke his heart.

"Haha very funny, Chris." I roll my eyes.

"So what? We are just going to pretend like that didn't happen." Chris opens his car door. "Get in Holsen."

 "Ok, ok I'll tell you everything." I throw my backpack in his car.

He starts to drive and I tell him everything about Liam and how he basically is still in love with me. 

"Wait, so do you like him?" Chris asks while looking at me and the road.

"No, I guess?" I shoulder shrug. 

"What do you mean, I guess?" He asks me confusedly.

"I ment no. No I don't like him. It's been 2 years and I've been over him for a long time. I feel bad for Liam though. He seems like he still really likes me." I basically let out my emotions.

"So that's why you called me your boyfriend and kissed me! Hmmmm makes a lot of sense now." He is so clueless.

I roll my eyes.

"Why couldn't you just say I don't like you, period. Bye. Have a nice day." Chris asks. 

"Chris!" I look at him.

"What?" He laughs.

"Imagine if you really liked someone and they straight up told you, I don't like you. Bye. Have a nice day." I say while putting my hair up into a ponytail.

"I would cry." He jokes.

I sign. 

"You have no soul." I tell him. 

He laughs and gives me a slight push on my shoulder.

"Hey? Do want to grab something to eat? I'm starving." Chris already pulls up at McDonalds.  

"We are here anyways. So why not." I grab my wallet and unbuckle my seat belt. 

We both order large fries. Chris also orders a large drink with a chicken snack wrap and I don't get anything else. 

We find the nearest table available.

"Holsen, you never told me exactly why you didn't want to get back together with Liam." He sips his drink.

"I was so different in grade 9 compared to now. I was pretty naive, innocent and I don't know just different. I'm not sure if Liam changed or anything, but he is still straight forward with his emotions. I don't want him still hanging over my shoulder. I think he deserves someone better than me." I look out the window. 

I look at Chris and he just stares into my eyes. I could tell he is really listening. It makes me feel warm.

He doesn't say anything. He gives me a comforting smile and nods.

"So, what are going to do about, you know, you telling Liam we are dating." He breaks the silence and smirks.

"Shit." I cover my face with my hands.

"I think it's a great idea." He moves my hands away from my face.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes. I totally know what he's doing. Typical Chris Schistad.

"No actually!" Chris says seriously. "It works out. If we date, Liam would obviously think you're not interested with him anymore. It's a win win." 

"How is it a win win? What do you get out of this fake relationship?" I eat a piece of my fries.

"Duh, I get to spend more time with you, Holsen." He winks.

I roll my eyes, but he's actually right for once. Liam might get over me.

"Okay Schistad." I say.

"Really?" Chris says with excitement.

"Really." I repeat,

He smiles and leans close to me. I have a feeling like he's going to kiss me so I push him away.

"Hey!" Chris frowns.

"No kissing!" I tell him.

He groans. "Seriously."

"Liam isn't even around!" God, he is so clueless. "Chris, if you want to be in this thing with me there will be no kissing!" I tell him like I'm teaching him how to read.

"All relationships have kissing." He finishes his drink.

"Ya, but it's not like Liam has to see us kiss." I pop a fries in my mouth.

"Then how will he believe us?" Chris asks me.

"Chris, there is so much more than just making out in a relationship." I address him.

"Will we hold hands?" He brings down his bottom lip and looks like a little puppy.

"Well duh, obviously, we have to make this as real as possible." 

He smiles and laughs. "I'll still kiss you if I have to." 

I roll my eyes.

He laughs even more.

"This is going to be fun." Chris finishes the last piece of my fries.


sorry about the short chapters!! 

anyways I hope you guys like this chapter and this whole idea of a fake relationship. haha

and what almost 900 reads? ugh you guys keep me young <3

- love A :)

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