The Goth and His Psycho: [Chapter Twenty Three]

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  Alex took a deep breath, his hand on the door knob of his back door. He could hear them still, calling up to the house as if expecting it to call back. Although now the shouts were much more demanding, growing impatient, Alex knew. He hated the idea of going out there, wondered what on Earth it was they would do to him. He hoped it would just be a beating, he'd endured a lot before, from Dylan and his cronies, even from Bree, who was a world scarier than all of them. Hell, he'd fled from her and ran to them, in order to get away from her. 

  But even so, Alex was finding it hard mustering his courage to complete the task of actually walking out the door. But if he didn't go out, they would come in, and Bree was still upstairs, hopefully trying her hardest not to turn back into the raging psychopath. He needed to remember her, remember who he was doing this for. 

  Before he could even really think about it, he'd shouldered his way outside and was then stood on his back porch, chest heaving with the fear of what was to come. Dylan and his group blinked at him, clearly a little surprised that he'd made an appearance, and then Dylan broke out into such a big grin Alex thought his face would break. 

  "The little faggot decided to show" Dylan sneered, and moved forward with what could be described as anything less than glee. 

  Alex, his heart stuttering in his chest, made a brave show of squaring his shoulders and taking one determined step towards them, but made no move to go any further "What do you want, Dylan?" he asked as if he didn't know, wondering if Dylan would tell him outright that he was just here because he had been bored, and wanted to cause pain and havoc, simply because there was nothing else to do. Alex could read the truth all over his face, but decided to let him say it anyway. 

  "You embarrassed me" Dylan shrugged, coming to a stop at the foot of the steps that led up to the back porch, "You have to pay for that" he gave that smirk again, his dark eyes looked like coal in the fast fading light of the day. 

  "I didn't embarrass you" Alex disagreed, trying to sound firm and irritated, when he knew his voice was a few octaves too high. 

  "Your little girlfriend did" Dylan growled, and planted one large foot on the first step "That's what we're here for; to beat the information of her whereabouts out of you" 

  "You think he'd just squeak the answer now?" the mean one laughed, and chugged down the remainder of his beer, when he'd finished he scrunched the metal noisily in his fist and threw it into the grass. 

  "Even if he did" Dylan made a show of thoughtfully scratching his chin "I'd beat him anyway" 

  Alex gave a sigh, wondering how bad it would be this time. Dylan had given him a few split lips and the odd black eye, but the worst he'd done physically was shove him into a dumpster or trip him in the corridor. The facial injuries usually came from sneaky elbows in gym or the odd shove into a wall, but Dylan had never outright tried to hurt him, never ran after him and kicked him into the ground. Alex had always believed he wasn't nasty enough for that, sure, Dylan was a Grade A Asshole, but that was just the nastiness of a teenage boy, egged on by his friends. 

  Alex knew something had changed, Dylan was furious and ready to cause serious damage, Bree had really wounded his pride, and apparently it was the worst thing you could do to Dylan. She'd only given him a punch, but it had created a lot more damage than the splotchy bruises under his eyes. 

  "Come along, princess" Dylan motioned for Alex like he was a dog to be beckoned, "Come down from your pretty tower or I'll drag you down on your face" 

  With as much dignity as he could muster, Alex moved slowly down the steps, his jaw jutted out into a stubborn line and his dark eyes hard. They wouldn't scare him, he refused to allow them that privilege. 

  Dylan grabbed him roughly by the scruff of the neck as soon as Alex had drawn level with him. Alex winced but did not cry out, and then felt himself tumbling forward. Dylan had thrust him through the air, and although Alex was surprised he managed to keep his feet under him, and drew up straight to face Dylan again. 

  Pain flared at the back of his head and he cried out, his vision wobbling dangerously, his balance tumbled, and he fell ungracefully to his knees, clutching the crown of his head, which was steadily leaking blood. 

  "Grab his arms and get him up, we'll get him into the woods" Dylan grabbed his chin in a rough hand and yanked his head upwards so hard his neck almost snapped "Nobody will hear him scream then" 

  He was grabbed roughly under the armpits and hauled skywards, he wobbled when he was vertical, but managed to stay up alone. Hands grabbed his arms and he was twisted around, which made his stomach heave and his eyesight falter again. Without allowing him time to adjust his captives thrust him forward, towards the back of his garden and out his wooden gate. There was just a few short meters of overgrown grass before the woods started. 

  They'd left his gate open, and on the edge of the woods he managed to yank around quickly to peer back to his house, trying to catch a brief glimpse of her. 

  In the glance he got before he was wrenched round, he saw his backdoor open where before it had not been, and inside stood a shadow, short and slender, but the shadow had serpent green eyes, and a pearly white smile. 

  Alex knew that his captives would not be the scariest things in the woods tonight, despite their own beliefs, and Alex knew they'd made a mistake taking him into the dense woods. They thought he would be the one screaming; how wrong they were. 

  He didn't say anything, he thought it would be a mercy, giving them just a little while more of peace, of blissful teenage ignorance, before they had to face what they had unleashed. 

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