Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Oh goodness, it's been a while. Writers block has had a firm hold on me lately and I have too many and not enough ideas for the climax of this story all at once. I WOULD like to apologize for the last chapter's many many errors. Reading back through, lets just say cringing became a pretty constant thing. It seems that I always have inspiration when I am half asleep and the last chapter definitely reflected that. Thankfully it is now edited! But anyway, without further ado... enjoy the new chapter!

Time seemed to go too fast for Derek's liking. Moments he spent with Stiles zoomed by and all he had were memories to hang on to.

The couple had attended Scott's birthday party over the last weekend and now Stiles seemed to be on edge, waiting for Scott to get his mark. Scott's real birthday wasn't until tomorrow and Derek had told him to relax until then.

"What if his mate isn't ready? What if he ends up like you?" Stiles asked worriedly.

Derek frowned down at himself, thinking of the years he had spent without his mate. "I'm sorry," Stiles whispered, rubbing Derek's chest. "I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry."

Derek caught his hand and brought it to his lips. "It's not your fault," he whispered before kissing Stiles' hand. "He'll get his mark and find his mate just as you did and everything will be fine. Don't worry."

Stiles sighed. "I know, but I can't help but worry!"

"Maybe you need something to take your mind off of it then," Derek smiled mischievously before kissing his way up Stiles' throat to his lips.

The couple where spending the rest of the week together at Stiles' house. Derek had surprised Stiles Friday night and ever since then it had been hard to leave his side.

Stiles moaned lightly. "My dad is here!" he whispered.

"Then be quiet," Derek replied before covering Stiles' lips with his own. Just as Derek's hand started to explore a little lower than his chest, there was a knock on the door.

Stiles ripped away from Derek as his father peaked his head into the bedroom. "Hello, boys...," he gave both of them a questioning look before continuing. "Dinner is ready downstairs. I'll see you down their soon?"

Stiles embarrassingly nodded his head and Derek gave the man a warm smile.

As the door was shut, Stiles let go of a long overdue breath and looked at Derek red faced. He couldn't look more guilty if he tried. Derek let out a snort from his nose and just pulled Stiles close to him. Stiles gratefully accepted the hug and snuggled in.

"Why don't you go freshen up?" Derek said, trying out to look at the bulge in Stiles' pants. Stiles nodded jerkily and was gone.


The next day Stiles jumped out of his skin when the call came from Scott. "I got it," Derek heard a voice on the other side of the phone whisper.

"What is it?" Stiles exclaimed in glee.

"I don't know. Some kind of band around my arm. Will you come over? Like right now?"

Stiles looked at Derek and all Derek did was nod. Once Stiles reassured Scott that he was on his way, the couple was off.


"Woah," Stiles whispered, tracing the thick bands around Scott's upper bicep. "You weren't kidding."

Scott glared at Stiles, "Why would I joke about something like this?"

Stiles didn't even flinch at Scott's harsh words and Derek could smell the nervousness coming off of the boy.

"Do you feel anything?" Stiles asked.

Scott just shook his head, sadly no.

Derek decided to speak up then, "His alpha should feel him soon. Once the bond has fully been made. Don't worry, Scott. They're probably already on their way."

Scott looked up at Derek hopefully and nodded. His bite his lip again before cramming himself into Stiles' arms. "Hey," Stiles whispered. "It's ok. Remember how Derek made me wait a whole school day with that mark before I got to meet him? If you ask me, alphas are kind of slow."

Derek rolled his eyes but if it made Scott feel better then he would let Stiles drag him under the bus.

Shortly after the trio ate lunch there was an aggressive knock on the door. Scott's head snapped up and Stiles pushed his arm. "Go open it, dummy."

Scott nodded and slowly made his way to the door. As he opened it, a young man, a young wolf if Derek's nose wasn't lying, entered the foyer. He was handsome with pearly whites and a nice hairline, but the thing that worried Derek was the blue glow in his eyes.

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