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"You're saying that Taeyeon is a part of my life 10 years ago? What the actual hell?" He exclaimed.

Taehyung nods. "Yes, she is the girl that always appeared in your dreams."

Frowning, he can't help to shiver. "How do you know that I had those dreams?"

"I know everything about you." He answered.

"Just tell me all the point. You're making me become more curious." Baekhyun said, standing up.

"Then I have no other choice beside this." Taehyung walks to him, staring deeply into his eyes. Baekhyun starts to feel the familiar pain in his head.

He placed his palm on Baekhyun's head. "You will know what happened to you, Taeyeon and me, ten years ago."

Baekhyun only managed to hear that words, before his vision become blank, and a clear flash play in his mind.


Taeyeon is in the cafe, where the last place she and Baekhyun went before they lost their memories.

The exact time and place, it feels strange.

The accident keeps playing in her mind, and once again, she blames herself for the fault.

Not so many people is here, since it is raining outside. They now must wrapping their body with the blanket in their room.

She stared down at the cup of caramel tea that left only a half of cup. "Stupid. Why didn't you let me respond first?" She muttered.

"I'm just too afraid for the rejection at that time. I'm only a boy who fall in love with someone much matured than me, it is common for a boy to experience that feeling."

Her head snapped up at the voice. She looks up, only to see Baekhyun. He placed himself in front of her.

He is wearing a blue shirt with black jacket, and he successed on making her attracted at him again.

"How have you been, Taengoo?" He asked, and her eyes automatically form the tears.

"You found out?" She asked, stuttering. He nods at the question. "How?"

"Your friend, Taehyung."

"Where is he?" She asked, trying to get her own thought out from her mind.

"He already gone." He said, half-whispered.

Taeyeon's breath hitched, and she immediatele stands up. Baekhyun grabs her arm. "Where are you going?"

"Find him, what do you expect me to?" She said, scoffed.

It is a lie if he say that his heart didn't ache to hear that kind of tone from her, but he knows that this is too much for her to accept.

"Try to accept it, Taeyeon." He mutters softly.

"You can't understand me. He is the one that always by my side when you didn't remembered me. All these suffering years, he stays with me." She said, tears escaping from her eyes.

"Then did you even remember me that time?" He asked, and she was taken aback for a moment. "Don't act like only you suffered, Tae."

"So after all of the suffers, you didn't even care that we now remembet each other? You don't care for any single thing about me? You don't even care if I really die, now?" He asked. The hurt and disappointment were really obvious in his voice.

He let go of her arm. "Then, I'll go. I'll not stop you from finding him. He is all you need now." He said, leaving her.

She closed her eyes. Her heart arching, and her body is trembling from all the sudden reality.

I still love you, even more than before. But how could I live happily if someone who was the main cause for your second life disappeared just like that?

The cafe's door opened. "Welcome. What do you like to drink?" The cashier asked.

"A cup of hot chocolate. Hey, do you know about the accident out there?" The customer asked.


"A teenage boy got crashed by a truck and a car. He looks young, and wearing a black jacket. I hope he will keeps alive." The customer gossip, and Taeyeon evesdropped it without conscious.

Teenage boy, looks young, black jacket?

Taeyeon feels her heart shattered into a million pieces, before she makes her way outside, running to the road.

Her legs stop at her track when her eyes landed on the figure that lying on the ground, while all the people surrounded him. From a far, the boy looks exactly like Baekhyun, and it is impossible to say that he is different person.

She got soaked by the heavy rain, but at that times, who cares?

She squatted down, crying desperately. "Baekhyun, I'm sorry, forgive me."

The people around look at her in curiousity, but no one dared to help her.

"Please Baekhyun, I miss you. Don't leave me again. Please. Byun Baekhyu--"

A pair of strong arm pull her to stand, before pulling her into a very warm embrace. "Don't cry. I'm here. I'll never leave you."

She pulled away, staring at his face, wanting to make sure that it is him. "Baekhyun?"

"Yes, it is me. The boy over there is not me." He muttered. His warm breath hit her as he cupped her cheek, wiping her tears.

His left hand is holding the umbrella that covered them from the rain.

He brings her to his chest again. Patting her head, he comforts her. She calms down after a few seconds in his arms.

"Mind to tell me something?" He asked, pressing his lips on her hairline.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, not sure if that is the one that he wants to hear.

"Not that. Other one." He said.

She thinks for a while, before her lips form a smile.

"I love you, Byun Baekhyun."


Thunder | BaekYeon 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now