Demon inside

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Mangles POV
I banged on the black wall, yelling,"Please! Let me out! Please!!"
I then slumped against the wall and hugged my knees.
"Don't hurt him..."
A cold hand traces my check, then listed up my chin, my yellow eyes meet with a girl with blue eyes. She said,"Do you ever think, 'to hell with it?'"
Her short white was me, when I ran...
"?!" I gasped.
She bent down to me and said,"Your never getting out.."
I wiped my eyes from tears,"I have to."
She said,"I can know you can't."
Her bitter voice chuckled. She touched the wall, then it formed a white light,"Goodbye, Mangle..." she winked at me and she was gone.
I grabbed my hair,"Please, somebody, anybody..."

"Help me..."

Springtraps POV
I stood at the cash register at the market.
The man said,"Okay sir that we'll be 23.50"
I said,"Uhh, fine," I have him the money and hung the bag in my arm.
I walked on the side walk as cars passed me.
In front of me I saw a girl with short pink hair, a light pink jean jacket, with a knee high brown skirt.
"Muffin!" I called out.
She turned around, her bangs tied in little braids the hung at the side of her face.
She smiled and said,"Oh hi!"
I ran up and asked,"What are you doing put here by your self?"
She frowned a bit,"You just came back from the trip to your parents right?"
"Oh so you haven't heard,"
"Heard what?" I asked now conceded.
" I stopped by the persons house who gives us upgrades, uhh...what's his name...Noah! I had to pick up stuff for Mangle, we believe after she killed those men it's made her mentally ill..."
I blinked then my eyes widened.
"She's been crying in the corner of her room, speaking to people who went there and argue with the wall..."
And then this... she pulled out her IPod, with a little cupcake charm on it.
She showed me a picture of the back of Mangles head, her white hair with a stray of black.
"W-wait! If our hair color changes, doesn't it mean, like, a really bad thing!!? Y'know for our health!!?"
She put her IPod up and said,"Yeah, I know."
Muffin said a bit scared,"She's even attacked Strangers for no reason, it's scary to see her like this..."
Soon she started to cry,"When you left after you got released from the hospital, she's been insane! You were at your moms, but Mangle wasn't even Mangle anymore!"
I grabbed her tiny hand and said,"Okay, let's just get this home to Mangle okay?"
Muffin nodded.

We opened the door Muffin proclaimed," I'm back!"
I said,"I'm here to!"
Every formed around asking how I was.
I separated from the crowd to find Mangle. Her room was quieter then usual. She sat in a ball and whispered very quietly,"My love? Are you there?"
I nodded hesitantly,"Yeah, it's me."
Her pale lips smiled. She slowly stood up and ran up to me, and hugged me.
I hugged her back, I could feel her breathing on the crock of my neck.
She saw the bag I had, she asked,"My love, what's this?"
I held up the bag,"Oh yeah, a little gift for you."
She opened the bag. She pulled out the stuffed cat plushy I got her, nothing much, a calico cat, with blue eyes.
She said,"Thank you..."
  I said,"You look tired."
"I am." She yawned.
I asked her,"Do you wanna sleep?"
She said,"Only If to stay with me, My Love."
Every time she says 'My love' It makes me scared of her.

We laid in her bad, facing different ways. I heard she whimper words. But I can't make them out.

Mangles POV
I worn up in the black room again. This time it was smaller. I realized more 'insane' I get the smaller the room is. I said,"I'll wake up at some point...."
Then another voice said,"And you'll kill the boy at some point..."

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