Juno, Jupiter and a mother

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Mangles POV
I said,"No I won't. Like you said before, if I kill enough people you will leave."
The voice giggled,"Good point."

I woke up Springtrap wasn't there. I remembered, it's the day when he's mom would come here to see him. Even though he's just been there. She's also here to see us.
What makes it worse, is that she foamy know about us.

Springtraps POV
I waited at the end of the drive way eating for her to show up. I know she's not my 'actual' mom, but we're programmed to be.
The car pulled up, black as night. My mom got out of the drivers side, and said,"Hi!!" She piped.
Her hair was a tad lighter hair mine, she wore a cream shirt with blue dot at the bottom then disappearing going more up. And she had on blue jeans and brown knee boots.
I said,"Hey,Mom."
She carried a dark red duffle bag,"Well we going in?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry."
We went in she looked around. Bonnie walked up to me and whispered,"Mangles in your room better get her out."
I said,"I'll be right back mom!"
She spun around,"Wait!"
I ran in my room seeing Mangle making my bed,my room looked clean.
I said,"Mangle you have to get out of here! My mother doesn't want me dating!"
She said,"But Springtrap."
I heard my mom coming.
I grabbed on the Mangle and shoved her in my closet. My mom said,"What are you doing?" Seeingbu was trying to keep it shut.
I stayed quite.
She asked,"Why you standing by the closet?"
I said,"Closet? What closet? This is a gate way to hell, and I'm trying to keep it shut so the demon doesn't get out."
Mangle yelled,"I'm not a demon!"
My mom shrieked,"What was that?!"
I yelled,"Be gone demon!"
"Your mean!" Mangle yelled forcing the door open.
My mom said,"Who's this?"
Mangle replied a bit mad,"I'm Mangle your sons GIRLFRIEND!"
Mother looked at me and questioned,"How'd you get a girl this cute?"
Mangle said,"Well, ma'm at first it was unrequited."
"Oh, so I see you then gave in?"
"No ma'm, he did."
Mother had the face like she just saw a ghost.
I ground,"Why is it hard for you to believe I have a girl friend?"
"Because when you were older I thought you would've been a lone wolf forever by force."
I said,"Okay, mom, that was just cruel."
She laughed,"Well you will end after her!"
Mangle said calmly,"I don't mean to be rude ma'm but I plan to stay with your son forever."
My mom said,"Ohh, that's just sweet!"

  We sat at a table eating lunch. My mom asked,"So Mangle what do you do for fun?"
"Oh! I love reading, and I love soap operas."
"Ahh, classy girl, I like that. What type of people you like."
The dead people.
"Well they have to be nice, like some stuff I like. And this isn't. A MUST HAVE, but I look for cuteness as well."
My mother said,"Wow,kiddo you've hit a home rum with this girl."
Kill me.

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