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Mangle POV
My doctor said,"Here is the new nurse for you,Mangle. This is June."
June smiled,"Hello!" June's red Jair was in a bun.
The doctor said,"June, take good care of this one okay?"
"Yes I will. Freidreichs  Ataxa? Did I pronounce that right?"
"No-no-no, its Ataxia. A-taux-e-ah"
"Ataxia. Got it. I know what it is, it's just hard to pronounce!" June beamed.

I said,"June?"
"Yes,Mangle what is it? You hungry, tired?"
"I need you to kill for me."
I grabbed her arm and said,"Do it."
June let out quite shrieks,"Mangle! S-STOP!"
  I used my other hand and covered up her eyes,

"Stop being a baby and listen."

Springtraps POV
I walked on the steers walking towards the hospital. Then I heard,"Springtrap!"
I turned around and saw four girls,Chichi, Chica, Toy Bonnie,and Muffin, all dressed in heavier cloths.
Chica said,"On your way to see Mangle?"
I said,"Yeah, you guys wanna tag along?"
Toy Bonnie's quite and cracking voice said "Yeah! Lest all go, it'll be fun!"
Said Muffin said,"Yeah can we? PLEEEEEASE?"
Chica glanced at Chichi for her answer. Chichi said," Aw, what the hell?! It's about time her and I buried the hatchet!"
Chica smiled,"Okay. Let's go."

TB said,"It's already dark. I didn't realize how fast time goes by."
I said,"Yeah, sometimes when I get back,it's dawn."
"Woah!" Chichi exclaimed.

We stood out side of the hospital. TB asked,"What floor is she on?"
"Uhh...the fifth. Why?"
TB pointed at a window on the fifth floor,"That window is broken. And blood around it."
"Wait-I thinks that's Mangles room!"
We all ran in, and a familiar desk lady said,"Springtrap!"
I turned to her,"Yes?!"
"Mangle! Is she with you?"
"What? No...we..we just came here to see her."
She frowned,"Her window is broken, room covers in blood, we don't know what happened."
Me and the girls ran out of the hospital with the desk lady calling for ha to come back.
Chica gasped,"Were we going?!"
"To find Mangle!"
TB let out a shirk when she fell to the ground with a red haired girl stood on her back. Knife clenched sin hand.
Muffin shrieked.
The girls red hair and uniform matted with blood,"Look at what you made me do. Springy."
She flashed her blue eyes, wait-blue eyes!
The girl said,"The named June, but I really am...MANGLE!"
She went to stab Toy Bonnie.
I yelled, "NO!" And shoved 'June' to the ground.
Her arm fell back with the knife, the kings landed on the ground, the clacking being the only noise we a hear.
June stayed on the ground, eyes closed.
I scraping noise that sounded like a knife in glass got all of our attention.
Mangle walked out from a nearby store, she said,"No one can touch him..."
She had a rope in her hand, it was a noice. 
Mangle ran at TB, and shoved me back, and put the rope around TBs neck.
TB let out a yell of help.
He all stood to scared to move.
Mangle yelled,"Don't think that people will come to chelp you, there all drugged!"
She climbed the poll and turned the rope around it as I tried to pull her down.
I yelled,"Mangle stop!"
Her and TB stood on the poll.
I yelled,"Why are you doing this!?"
Her an TB slid off the poll.
TB gasped for air, having hard tile breathing. Mangle, on arm over TBS neck and holding in the the rope, and her other hand with a knife up to TBs throat.
I yelled at Mangle,"Why are you doing this?!"
She dangled from the rope giggling," I don want you living anyone else, while Im away from you~"
Chica yelled,"B-but you know me and the girls don't like Springtrap in that way! We have our own lovers! So why hurt US?!!"
Mangle held the knife to TBs neck closer,"Because...him and her might get along...then they might fall in love..."
The rope that held her and TB up broke but Mangle landed them in there feet.
Mangle said,"NO ONE ELSE CAN BE WITH YOU BUT ME!! I can be the only girl in your life!!"
Seeing Mangle do this stuff hurst me. I should've just asked her anyway, we should've gotten married earlier, maybe then none of this would've happened.
I yelled,"Hey Mangle!"
Mangle said,"What?"
I said with everything in me,"Will you marry me?!!"
Her eyes widened she dropped the knife and stepped back.
She grabbed her hair and tears welted up in her eyes. Mangle said,"Heat did you say?"
"Will you marry me?"
Mangle said,"Y'know," she fell to the floor on her legs,"I know there a girl in me. She's making me do this. But I get a wired joy out of this. She gave me this illness. I can't get ride of it. I'm stuck with it." She cried,"I will marry you, but, I will not  be able to walk down the aisle...or I won't even be alive...I love you so much."
  Mangle yelled,"I don't want to hurt anyone else!!" She clenched her hair.
Mangle whined,"It won't stop until everyone is dead...." she picked up the knife, and held it to her neck.
I yelled,"Mangle! NO!"
I ran to her and hugged her, with one arm pushing the knife down. I whispered in her ear,"You don't have to do that, will find a way...okay?"
Mangle sobbed and said,"I'm sorry."
Her arm broke free from my grip, and a sharp pain covered my back.

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