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A young woman stirred awake to find herself in a dark room, no light illuminating anything anywhere except for the space spanning the floor to the bottom of the door.

"So, you finally decided to wake up did you?" Some one spoke from the darkest corner of the room.

"W-who's there?!" she shouted. She went to move towards them but couldn't move her arms. She finally noticed that her hands were chained to the wall, along with her legs. She became fully aware of what was going on.

"Let me go now, there's no point in holding me captive who ever you are," she pleaded, fear and dread obvious in her eyes.

"Oh... so you have forgotten who I am already, pity," The man sneered as he came out of the shadows. Rage was evident on the shadowy outline of his face.

"What did I ever do to you?" She asked, afraid she already knew the answer.

"You... you took everything from me! The throne, my title, the kingdom, everything!" He yelled at the blond woman who was bonded to the wall. He then looked across the cell to where the light was spreading to reveal to a red-head girl who was chained against the wall. Her left cheek was puffy and swollen and a small gash was evident on the right side of her head. He then turned to the other woman and sadistically smiled down at her. "Oh... Elsa, now I'll return the favor. Watch as I slowly murder your precious sister," He murmured viciously, smiling as he pulled out his dagger from its sheath.

"Don't you dare... DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" She screamed. But before the man could reply, a curdling scream was heard through the room.

"What's going on out there?" he bellowed, and then a roar was heard. The man was now fully aware of what was going on.

"TAKE HIM DOWN!" Elsa heard someone say outside the door followed by another roar.

The man tightened his grip on his dagger and rushed over to the redheaded girl.

"I WON'T LET ANYONE STOP ME FROM GETTING MY REVENGE!" He yelled as he raised his dagger above the younger women. The door busted off its hinges, crashing to the floor, and a tall shadowed figure slowly appeared in the doorway. He made a heavy step on his right leg as he walked in, favoring it. Scars illuminated over the top part of his body along with some apparently newer wounds, not entirely healed, on his right side. His attention was fully on the armed man. His amber eyes glowed in the dark as he stared dangerously at the man standing before him.

"H-how?! You're supposed to be dead!" The man cried, startled. A low growl came from the other man's throat just before he unleashed a furious roar that boomed through the room. Both Elsa and the man quavered in their boots. They knew the man wasn't on Anna's potential murderer's side, but Elsa didn't know if he wanted to kill her, either. So she shook, hoping desperately for Anna to wake up. She had to wake up.

She had to wake up.

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