Chapter Thirteen: Rough Night

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Chapter Thirteen: Rough Night

Elsa walked around the mysterious beach wondering where she was. The sky was cloudy but it revealed the blue sky and the low bright sun rising to the sky. She guessed it was morning as she continued to walk around the beach till she spotted an object in the corner of her eye and slowly approached it. To her it seemed like a metal tower with a small cylinder sitting on top of it.

"What is that?" She asked herself till she heard something in the distance.

"Nine, eight, seven..." She heard and she looked everywhere for the source of the voice. She wondered why they were counting down and began shouting out.

"Hello! Who's there?" She yelled but the countdown still continued.

"Four, three, two, one." She heard till she heard a crackling noise behind her and quickly turned around. A large mass started to rise out of the water near her and she quickly backed away in fright. Her eyes were blinded when the tower lit up with a loud boom developing her and the strange mass in it's burning light.

Mathias awoke freezing in discomfort and noticed Elsa was wide awake shaking at his side. The fire long died out but he could see blue spikes around the room. He gently nudged her with his arm hoping to get her attention on him. She looked at him with her teary blue eyes and he knew those emotions all too well, fear and he wondered what it was that scared her like this. She seemed to shake out of her stupor and looked around the room and back at him sheepishly.

"S-Sorry, it was just a dream." She said as she flicked her wrist and the spikes slowly vanished and the room got warmer again. She gently laid her hand on his shoulder and looked into his amber eyes.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him as she scooted closer to him. She noticed he cooled down a lot and seemed better than earlier. Mathias wasn't paying attention as he caught a whiff of her scent and it surprised him. Her scent was sweet and yet had a cool feeling to it that eased his nerves and he tried to resist instincts that were clawing at the back of his mind.

"Not again!" He thought with a slight groan as he moved his head away trying to avoid her scent.

Elsa heard him groan and wondered what was bothering him as he moved his head away from her. She looked out the window and noticed it was still dark out and decided to head to her bed chambers before the staff started to spread rumors.

"Alright, i'll be heading to my chambers for some needed rest and you should too." She said as she got up and away from Mathias, who looked at her confused.

"I thought we were resting." He thought as he watched her retreating figure, her hips swaying as she opened the door and left leaving him to his own thoughts. He looked away from the door and sighed as he wondered as to why she left.

"Damn this human body and it's flaws." He thought in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose for a few seconds before getting up and leaving the room to his spot of comfort. He thought about the surge of power that overcame him earlier, he knew it was the energy from within his body and knew the negative effects it had on a human from experience. He didn't know if it would effect him the same way because of his immunity to it.

He soon arrived at his room and walked right on in since he broke the door earlier. The room was lit by the moonlight at the window and Mathias walked out to the balcony and looked out at the small body of water with the moon reflecting off it. This was the most peaceful moment he witnessed in along time and relaxed as he listened to his new surroundings. The cool breeze swept across his bare skin and his mind went back to the blond women with her cold relaxing touch that brought a small smile to his features. His moment was disturbed by the noise of faint crying from afar and this brought up his curiosity as he went back into his room and still listened to the crying. He quickly left the room and started to walk around the long hallways using his sense of hearing to find the source. He was surprised it lead to Alice's room but quickly recovered remembering two days after he killed Don, he went to see her and she told him to leave her alone and never come near her again. He heard her cry harder and this mysteriously pained him to no end and he decided enough was enough and walked right in with determination and worry. The room was dark but he could make out the shape of the little girl hunched over still crying and unaware of his presence. He slowly approached her bed trying not to startle her in anyway. His stealth was compromised by bumping in the night stand and Alice's head jerked up faster than he could blink or react.

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