Chapter Twenty-Seven: Little Christian

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Little Christian

Everyone in the castle was nervous now, especially Anna and Kristoff much to Mathias' amusement as he tries to "lighten" the tension, which would frighten most of the staff and Elsa a few times till the point she threatened to put him on ice and he quickly stopped his antics knowing she wasn't bluffing.

Mathias was starting to enjoy his mishap of life and he knew he missed his freedom but what he has now he decided he would never replace it. He sighed as he stared out the window overlooking the fjord and thought back to when he first arrived here and began to wonder if this was a sign.

"Is this what it means to be at peace, to be truly happy with the ones close in my life?" He asked himself as he looked at his hands. He knew Elsa was in a meeting and it would be awhile till she would be able to join him. Alice was with Anna in keeping the woman company since she is now on strict bedrest and he hadn't seen Kristoff all day which left him suspicious about his whereabouts. He let out another sigh and continued to look out the window completely lost in his thoughts tilla sound of heels clicking off the ground caught his attention. He was surprised to see Elsa walking towards him with a small smile and he wondered what had happened during the meeting. He was going to join her but she told him she needed to do this herself first that it was important and he slowly backed off knowing he wasn't going to win the argument.

"Now what got you in a good mood, normally you would be either pissed or extremely tired after a meeting?" He asked as she stood next to him. He could tell she was a little nervous and leaned against his right shoulder.

"Well that depends what you think about the news." She said earning a puzzled look from Mathias. She leaned off of him so she could be in front of him as he pondered on what she said.

"W-What do you mean it depends on what i think?" He asked nervously and Elsa gave him a small smile.

We're having a ball in a few weeks. Some of the council members still don't like our relationship so this is their final attempt in getting me to find another suitor. Not like it will do much good i have you so to me it is simply a ball with kings and princes trying to woo me." She said with a chuckle and Mathias narrowed his eyes a little but they showed a glint of amusement.

"Something tells me there's more to this." Mathias said as he crossed his arms and looked down on the queen. Elsa's smile widened and this made the man even more curious.

"Well i plan on making an announcement of our courtship to the other suitors near the end of the party." She said and Mathias smirked knowing where she's getting at.

"You're a very cruel person, letting those men get their hops up and just crushing them in the end." He said with a small laugh as he kissed her forehead. She stared at him with amusement and poked her finger in his chest.

"I believe a certain someone is rubbing off on me." She said as she backed away with him staring at her with amusement.

"By all means if it means humiliating some of those spoiled brats i shall, but if they try anything funny that makes you uncomfortable they'll get their asses handed to them." He said as he turned to face the doorway as Kristoff walked in. Elsa looked at Mathias with wonder and slightly glared at him.

"One day you'll tell me how you do that." She declared and Mathias looked at her from the corner of his eye.

"All in due time your majesty." Was all he said as he addressed Kristoff as he stood waiting patiently for them to finish their conversation.

"Kristoff, i was wondering where you ran off too, hadn't seen you all day." Mathias said to the blond man. Kristoff furrowed his brows as he stared at Mathias as if wondering what to say to him.

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