Chapter Seven: The Painful Revelations

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Chapter Seven: The Painful Revelations

Kristoff couldn't believe Anna would follow the path of destruction the man caused out of curiosity. To make things worse he lost her while taking a different route hoping to meet her on the other side near the town square. There were holes in every house on the way to the town square and a demolished wall with the body of the man he attacked. He couldn't believe the sight he seen out beyond the wall. There were two dead bodies out in the open one had his lower jaw ripped out and the other had a deep bite mark on the side of his neck. He spotted one of the guards and ran up to him with a lot of questions in mind.

"What happened here?" Kristoff asked the patrolling guard.

"Westleton tried to assassinate the Queen by using a little girl as hostage and some of the townspeople and a few of the guards tried to help till a tall mysterious man showed up smashing through the wall and helped stop those men, hell he even saved the Queen from death from that man lying there." He said pointing at the corps with his lower jaw missing.

"H-He did that?! Kristoff asked frightened. The guard nodded in confirmation.

"Is Elsa alright, where is she at?" Kristoff asked him.

"The Queen is fine and she took the stranger and the little girl back to the castle." The guard replied.

"Was Anna with them?" He asked worriedly. The guard nodded to him and walked away to continue his duty. Kristoff became worried for what might happen to Anna if she stayed near the man and what he could do to her. Of course her older sister might have ice powers but from the destruction that guy caused, he could easily overwhelm her at any given opportunity. Without a second thought he dashed toward the castle hoping to catch up to them in time. His hopes were short lived when a wagon pulled out in front of him.

"Dammit." He hissed under his breath and dashed down another path that seemed to be a short cut.

"I gotta get to Anna." He thought as he made an unfortunate left turn and rammed into something that felt like a wall.

"Oww! that's gonna leave a mark." Kristoff said before he heard a growl in front of him. He immediately froze remembering the sounds the man made as he rose out of the water at the docks. He slowly looked up and the world around him went dark as he stared at the man that killed those men. He had blood stains around his mouth and his eyes resembled of that of a predator looking down on their prey.

"S-Shit!" Kristoff said as he slowly scooted away him. He finally noticed the little girl he had in his arms and looked back to the blood around the man's mouth. He finally put the pieces together, realizing he killed her and immediately charged him.

Meanwhile, Mathias had no clue what was going through this idiots mind as he made a feeble attempt to tackle him only to make him move back a bit. He roared at his attacker in annoyance as the man jumped back startled.

"Mathias, what's going on?" Alice asked scared. His attacker stopped and looked at the girl confused until the two women that he was following showed up.

"Kristoff! what are you doing?" The redhaired women demanded. The one called kristoff started to explain.

"I saw him holding the girl with blood on his mouth and i thought he killed her." He said.

"What's going on? The blond woman asked as she walked up behind the younger one. Mathias, for as long as he lived never heard of a human possessing such power.

"Nothing Elsa, just a big misunderstanding between these two." The redhead replied.

"Elsa, thats her name." Mathias thought as he watched them with interest.

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