Chapter Thirty-Five: Wedding Crashers

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Wedding Crashers

It's been a couple of days and Abigail had been keeping Mathias out of site but the stubborn man had an idea of going out at night attacking the guards leaving the citizens a message. A message saying that their time has come to fight back adding fuel to the fire within the people as their riots gotten more violent against Joseph's men. Joseph has been getting more annoyed by the people but yet feared the cause of them has finally arrived but he still kept Elsa in the dark though he did keep his mind off of things by having his fun with the queen as her cries of pain and bruises amused him to no extent and knew his victory is at hand and will finally make Mathias suffer for all the trouble he has caused him.

The night before the wedding and Mathias was walking down an empty alley. His face was tense as he thought of the outcome of the next day knowing many people were going to die just trying to protect their queen and home.

"It's not everyday that i get involved in things like this." He said bitterly to himself as he approached a door at the end of the alley. He banged it a few times till it cracked to reveal a head of an older man he looked around suspiciously till he saw Mathias and quickly opened the door.

"Oh, come in lad we're expecting you." He said as he stepped aside to let the taller man in as Mathias stepped in and looked at the new surroundings and noticed a group of men in the center of the room around a table. The men turned around and smiled at the new arrival as Mathias walked up to them.

"It's good to see a familiar face around here when we need him." One commented with a chuckle as Mathias scanned the map of the town of Arendelle and the castle itself. He shook his head sadly as he pointed at the front of the castle map.

"Joseph's men will be heavily armed there and their main patrols will be in the center of town tomorrow during their wedding." He said with distaste as he glared at the map and the men pondered on his inspection.

"We all know you want to save Queen Elsa but dammit you are one of the main reasons we are still fighting those men. But the rest of the army will arrive by the end of the day if we don't get it back." He said and Mathias smirked at him in a way that made him uncomfortable.

"We'll attack the main patrols in the center of town, attack them from all angles that should leave them in a disarray giving us the advantage." He said before he pointed to the front gate on the map.

"Here gentlemen is where things get interesting, they'll have the vantage point when we get there and as far as i can tell they have cannons which will be one of our major problems after that is the rest of the men inside the castle which will be easy for us based on our sheer numbers against them." He said and the men nodded approvingly of the strategy. Mathias looked back at the men eager for their orders and sighed.

"No harm comes to the royal family and you leave Joseph to me understand. If i find out someone has hurt Elsa or little Christian i'll personally reign hell upon them, understand." He said and they nodded their heads before they dismissed themselves out of the room leaving Mathias to ponder on his thoughts. He knew the plan he had in mind was sloppy but it was better than having so many of these people die and for what his anger toward a spoiled brat that feared what he'll do to him. He chuckled darkly at the thought as he looked at the map one last time before leaving the room back to Abigail's place knowing that she'll throw a fit if he got caught by the blue bands as what the people started to call them and he found it hilarious though he would say it out loud insulting them as they had serious matters to attend to. It was cool out as Mathias looked around making sure that he wasn't followed as he finally found his destination and quickened his pace till he was finally at the door, making his way in the warm inviting home of his hostess. Abigail poked her head out from upstairs slightly glaring at the man accusingly.

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