Chapter Eleven: Court

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Chapter Eleven: Court

When Elsa left he couldn't stop thinking of her, even when he agreed to go to this "court" she mentioned. Hell, he still couldn't believe she was capable of creating something so cold it even bothered him when he felt it. That funny feeling came back at the thought of her and the protectiveness over the girl surprised him when he vowed to keep her from harm.

"What's happening to me with these changes?" He thought as he put his hands over his face. The mental image of the blond from the evening came back and his face became warm.

"Damn, this human body isn't helping my predicament." He thought as he layed back on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Mathias woke up the next day with the sun shining through the window and into his eyes, not that he didn't sleep much any way but still got up. He had know idea what they do everyday so he started to explore his room more. The physician told him his leg was just bruised nothing serious so he took that as a sign as to walk around. He found a small room with more cloths which nerved him to no end, but he would admit that his last pair was comforting. So he grabbed the white shirt and black pants and put on the other shoes.

"Maybe this would get Kai off my back for a bit." He thought as he left his room and into the hallway. He still remembered about what Elsa said and decided to go find her before this "court" begins. luckily he bumped into Kai on his search. Kai was shocked to see Mathias up and early even after the fight in town and in the dungeons, how he was able to walk about with such energy he was unsure. But Kai was sent by Elsa to lead him to the dining room for breakfast and yet this made his task easier.

"Follow me." He said and Mathias began to follow him.

Elsa was in the dining room alone waiting for everyone to get up and join her for breakfast, normally it was Anna who was up before her. She couldn't sleep knowing she had to deal with the council on what to do with the Duke and his men. The doors opened as Kai walked through with Mathias behind him, She let out a small smile knowing she wasn't the only one who didn't get any sleep.

"Good morning Mathias, it's nice of you to willingly join me." She said to him as he nodded in response as he approached the table. He looked around confused and Elsa realized he didn't know where to sit so Elsa decided to help him.

"You can sit here if you want." She offered him gesturing to the seat on the right next to her. He was hesitant but he slowly walked over to the seat slid it out and sat down. Elsa didn't know why she was happy that he decided to sit next to her. She was probably glad to have some company other than her sister, Kristoff and Olaf for a change but she didn't know.

"I'm just overthinking it." She thought as she watched Mathias look around the table curiously.

She watched him for a few moments until the servants brought in their breakfast for the day. Mathias eyes beamed into curiosity as they set down the food trays on the table. She wondered if he had any interaction with people before because of the way he acts. She was taken back when he started to sniff the air slightly and she couldn't help but laugh to herself.

"What's the matter Mathias never seen this kind of food before?" She asked jokingly. She was only kidding and didn't expect to get a slight nod for an answer.

"He really hasn't seen any of this." Elsa said to herself as Mathias gave her a questioning look.

"Hey!" She heard a familiar voice and this startled Mathias as he got out of chair and looked around to find the source. Elsa knowing who it was looked down to see Olaf, her childhood friend, standing next to her. Mathias noticed her actions and saw the snowman standing next to her. He slightly growled as he furrowed his brows at the little thing.

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