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Two girls walked across the field, legs striding in synch with one another. Castiel gazed at them. He didn't usually go to stupid high school football games, but he decided that since he was a senior, he should show some school spirit. Castiel groaned and stood as the giant players all strode off the field in a big blob. Suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder, a very petite hand. He spun around to meet a pale girl with long red hair. He recognized his best friend immediately. Charlie.

"Hey Charles."

She smiled. She didn't mind the nickname.

"Hey, um, you need a ride home?"

Cas shook his head.

"No thank you, Michaels coming to pick me up."

Lie. He hated his family, well, except for Gabriel, he was accepting. And besides, he loved to walk home at dark, it gave him peace and some quiet time to think.

"OK, whatever you say Castiel. I'll see you on Monday."

He smiled at her and Charlie walked off to the parking lot. Its not that Castiel didn't appreciate their friendship or that he secretly resented his companion, he just didn't like social situations or interacting with other human beings much. He kept to himself and enjoyed his alone time. Castiel shoved his hands in the pockets of his black slacks, slowly pacing out the front doors and across the street to walk home.

It was late November in Kansas so the air was cold and the trees were bare. It was dark out so Castiel cherished his time walking through the illumination of the street light. The wind whipped his cheeks and his nose started to run. He used the sleeve of his trench coat to wipe away the nasal discharge.

"Jesus it's cold."

He mumbled to himself. Sometimes Castiel would talk to himself, he wasn't schizophrenic or crazy or anything, it just calmed his nerves sometimes. In ten minutes, he was standing on his porch, inches from the door. He debated whether he should open the door and walk in just like anyone else in the world would, or just run, run far away. Run from the wretched place he called home. No, too risky, and anyways, like he ever would have the guts to leave. Fucking loser.

Castiel turned the door handle and took a step into the warmth. He quickly made his way upstairs, locking himself in his room. It was nice having a bathroom in his room, it saved him the interaction of family and the waiting for others to finish. Castiel had finished his homework earlier so that gave him time to read and pet his cat, Reuben. He was an old, grumpy flat faced cat. The ones that look like piles of snow. When he was three, he was tasked with naming the animal since no one else in his family would take care of him. He always loved animals, especially bees.

Castiel phone buzzed, notifying him of a text message. He picked it up and read that it was from Charlie.

"Hey spoon, a bunch of kids are gonna go see a movie tomorrow, wanna come? You won't have to talk to anyone but me."

He groaned. Castiel really didn't feel like going, but it would please Charlie a great deal.

"Fine Charles. But only if you buy me a soda and popcorn."

"What do I look like here? A sugar daddy? Whatever, I'll bite. But only because you need more friends."

"Sounds good. When do I need to be ready?"


"Okay, see you then."

Castiel threw himself against the bed. Reuben jumped up on the bed and plopped right down on his stomach.

The Secret Of You And Me (Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now