Many Times

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Castiel remembered that it was Sunday. His family would be home from their regular church service. He had to attend a very special one. Then conversion therapy. He got ready in black slacks and a white button up, complimented with a blue tie. It was chilly so his trench coat was added warmth. His family always made him try to tame his hair, but it was literally impossible. Nothing he did ever made it look decent.

The door downstairs opened and Castiel groaned.

"We're home Castiel! You better be ready to get the faggot electroshocked out of your pathetic self!"

A realization washed over him. He didn't want this. He wanted to live a life to be proud of himself. It was misery. He wanted to do something, he had to do something. Castiel locked his door and threw a lot of stuff in a duffle bag. He had a jar full of his savings. Castiel was finally going to leave. There were no other thoughts in his mind other than leaving. He heard banging against his door.

"Come on Castiel! It's time to go! Unlock the door now!"

Castiel grabbed his bag and threw his savings in it and opened the window. He lived on the second story. It was going to be hard to leave. He read somewhere that hanging on the ledge then dropping would help prevent serious injuries. He had to land on his feet and in the grass. Anything else would lead to death or injury. Castiel threw his bag down then got on the ledge, lowering so that he was hanging on by his hands. He took deep breaths and calmed down. He had to act fast or everyone would see him. Castiel released and fell before he knew it, he landed. A spike of pain shot up his legs, but other than that, he was fine. He picked up his stuff and dashed. He couldn't take his car, they had a tracking device in it. He had to make it on foot.

Castiel sighed a breath of relief as he he felt the weight on his shoulders disappear. All he could feel was freedom and happiness. Where am I going to go? Castiel wondered. He had a enough money to get a hotel. Castiel ran and ran, until he couldn't run anymore. He bent over and puked up anything he ate before. His stomach felt empty but his heart felt full. Castiel looked around to see that he was in town. First he had to get rid of his phone, it also had a tracking device on it. Castiel decided to destroy. He raised his hand in the air and brought it down fast, releasing the phone in a crash. Tiny shatters of glass went flying. Done. But he still need a new one. Castiel wandered to the Walmart for a cheap flip phone then continued walking.

He was far enough from hell. He had to find a hotel to stay in. He walked to find the nearest and cheapest one. Suddenly, a black car pulled up next to him. He didn't even have his friggin thumb up. Must be a kidnapper. The window rolled down revealing sandy blonde hair, light freckles, green eyes and an award winning smile. Dean. Castiel wasn't expecting him, out of all people.

"Why are you walking? I thought you had a nice car."

Castiels lips tingled, remembering Dean's lips on his. It was... Nice. He wanted it again for some reason.

"Fuck off."

Dean chuckled.

"I would love to but I have some explaining to do. Get in the car and I'll take you anywhere you need to go."

"You're an asshole."

"Tell me something I don't know sweetheart."

"Fine. You hurt people and you don't know how to shut the fuck up. You think you're the most amazing and gorgeous person ever and you believe you're God's gift to the world."

Deans eyes widened in surprise, but that faded into a smirk

"That it?"

Castiel nodded, flustered. Dean motioned for him to get in. Castiel did reluctantly.

The Secret Of You And Me (Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now