You're Cute

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Dean weaved through the crowd, bodies were sweaty, and rubbing against eachother. Lots of people were wearing minimal clothing. Lights flashed everywhere, and a fast beat of music pulsed his body. Dean could feel his organs vibrating. It was yet another work shift at the local night club. It sucked but Dean did it for Sam, his little brother. The worst part was the uniform. He was supposed to be shirtless and wear these silver sparkly jeans. I look so gay, he though to himself. Dean stopped at a table. Four guys were sitting there, three of which were practically on top of eachother, lips tangled together. Dean looked down at the singled out one.

"Can I help you sir?"

He looked up. He had beautiful red hair and light freckles spotting his nose.

"Yeah, get me out of here."

Dean chuckled. The kid looked young.

"I'll take a Chardonnay."

He smiled and walked off. When Dean returned with the drink, one of the guys form the threesome was detached and nibbling on the gingers ear. He set the drink down and was starting to walk off when the guy spoke up, he had blonde hair and blue eyes that pierced through Dean's soul.

"Hey, you're cute."

Dean's face felt hot. He looked away and chuckled lightly.

"Oh, um, thank you."

The blonde guy winked, ignoring the foot that bumped his shoulder, the guys making out behind him fell on top of eachother. The ginger kid stood up and walked away.

"What's your number?"

Inside, Dean was struck with terror. Sure, guys had hit on him, but never asked for numbers when he clearly showed his disinterest in them. He answered nervously.

"Uh, sorry, I don't swing that way."

The man just stared, smiling open mouthed at him. He didn't seem to care.

"Come on, it'll be alright. I'll make it so good for you. I'll make you change your mind."

Dean started to sweat. He usually wasn't like this around other people, usually so chill and collected. For some reason, he was.... Nervous..

"I'm sorry, I can't, I have a girlfriend."

He scoffed.

"That's not an issue, come on baby, I want you. You're so hot. I bet you've got a nice one too."

Dean blushed again. He had to get away, it was getting really hot and he was getting uncomfortable.

"No, I'm sorry."

He ran off, outside. It was a cold November night in Kansas. The wind blew slightly. Fuck, why do I feel like this? He screamed in his head. Someone cleared their throat and Dean looked to the side. It was the ginger kid from inside. He held out a cigarette.

"Want a smoke?"

He reluctantly took it.

"Thank you."

The guy nodded, lighting it for him. Dean took a long, breath, held it, and blew it out.

"My name's Ian. What's yours?"


"Was Aaron hitting on you?"


"Blonde hair, blue eyes?"

"Oh, I guess."

"I'm sorry about him. He doesn't k ow what no means."

Dean nodded.

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