The Library

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After a lot of wrong turns and giggles, they finally arrived at the library. Dean parked he car and turned to Castiel.

"So what now?"

Castiel laughed.

"Uh, we walk in and read books??"

Dean nodded.


Castiel got out the car and lead the way. Dean followed close behind. They walked through the giant wood doors. Castiel took Dean to a secret table behind the rows of books and in a corner beside a circular window overlooking the downtown area.

"It smells like old in here."

Castiel laughed again.

"Um. Okay??"

Dean laughed too and sat.

"I don't want to read Cas."

"Then what should we do in a library?"

He thought for a moment.

"We should talk. It's always fun to talk to you because you're really interesting."

Castiel blushed.

"Oh, thanks."

"What should we talk about?"

"I don't know Dean. You think of something."

"How about you tell me how you found out you were gay. I'm genuinely interested by it."

Castiel grinned.

"Alright, but don't think I'm weird if I tell you the truth. It may be a little gross but I'm not gonna sugar coat it and lie to you. Okay?"

Dean nodded.


"So I found out when I was about ten. I started growing small crushes on other boys. I didn't think much of it until I was fifteen when I saw my first dick. It's like when a straight boy finds a Playboy magazine. I found a gay magazine on a park bench and looked through it. I found out that I really liked guys. And that's how."

Dean nodded again.


Castiel nodded back at him.



Castiel hummed and looked up at Dean.

"Yes Dean?"

"Can I tell you something really personal and kind of weird?"

"Of course. We're friends, and that's what friends do. We tell each other secrets."

Dean paused to think.

"I uh, I don't think I'm straight."

Castiels eyes widened. He couldn't think of anything to say.

"Shit, uh, that's pretty cool. Do you need any help or anything?"

Dean nodded.

"Yes, a lot of it. You see, the thing is I don't find women attractive at all. I never really did and I just had sex with them to cover up my homosexual feelings. I thought that if I covered it up, it didn't exist. I figured it out fully when I stopped getting hard. I would get random boners in the locker room after football practice."

Castiels jaw dropped. The only thing he could think was that Dean is full blown gay. There's no question about it.


The Secret Of You And Me (Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now