Part 1:The Indestructables

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Hi nerds!I'm Alixhia Zealks,leader of a famous gang named The Indestructables

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Hi nerds!I'm Alixhia Zealks,leader of a famous gang named The Indestructables.I'm the most daring,hottest,most popular and I'm known as Ms. Hard-to-get.But I'm not always like that.I had a hard past with my family. But one thing is for sure.In my gang,I set the rules.
1.If you get in,you can't get out.
2.Stay with the group.ALWAYS!
3.Stay away from the opposites.
4.Secrets aren't allowed.And lastly;
5.Don't EVER Fall In Love!Or we'll kill you.

Hello dumb people!I'm Shzayne Morheatz,assistant\bestfriend ni Dope a

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Hello dumb people!I'm Shzayne Morheatz,assistant\bestfriend ni Dope a.k.a. Alixhia.Thats what I call her often times and she calls me Red for no reason.I'm the selfie pro,cutest and the wisest member of the group.#PROUDTOBEWISE.Often times,people call me 'GIRLY'. My days in elementary were tough,knowing that my crush hates me.But no worries 'cause it left me with a stronger heart.
Now,I am hiding a secret that I never told anyone before.Specially Dope
.Because if I will,you will see my body floating on the Pasig river...


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Hey losers!I'm Drixie Chicks,the black sheep of the gang.I'm despicable,supercalifragilisticexpialidocius,beautiful and I suck at math.I am a popular model in the States and known as the name 'Dark' or even 'Dope',which is not a surprise at all.I may be hardheaded but I also have a sad background.My dad fell in love with my cousins mother and broke up with my mom which became the reason why I pretend to be as hard as stone.But to the people who don't know the real me,well....I'm as soft as a marshmallow on the inside!

Lowz stupid humans!I'm Izhel Travis,one of the fashionistas in the group and I'm the most vigorous,dynamic,dashing,spirited,energized,vitalized,puissant,lively and the most rejuvenated member

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Lowz stupid humans!I'm Izhel Travis,one of the fashionistas in the group and I'm the most vigorous,dynamic,dashing,spirited,energized,vitalized,puissant,lively and the most rejuvenated member.For short,people call me 'The Athletic One' or 'Ms. Athlete'.I am like a non-stop machine.
I love soccer.I'm just obsessed with it that once I pretended to be a boy because the girl players in our school was cut so thats how I love it so much.Like the rest of the members,I too have a sad background in love.My boyfriend fell in love with my GAY BFF and that tore my heart but whatevs...

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