Chapter III

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Chapter III : The Clash

Shzayne's POV

This is the second day of school and today we will be having an activity in science.We will work in pairs and the partnering trick we used was the same as what we used in our MAPEH subject.Of course,Sum is still my partner.

"Good morning everybody.I am Jhowilyn Fortez,your teacher in science."

I like her name.Pretty unique if you ask me.

"Today,we will be dissecting a rafflesia flower so you can now go to your assigned seats with your partner and make sure you put on your masks because its gonna get stinky."

Pumunta na ako sa seat.Nga pala,seat 11 kami na assign ni Sum.

"Before you start,get to know your pair first."

What?Kailangan pa ba iyon?I cant break the rules.

Tiningnan ko ang gang and they also looked confused.

Then after a minute of silence,Alixhia nodded which means that we can talk I guess.

Well,here it goes...

Sum's POV

I cant talk to an opposite.Its against our rules but for the sake of my grades,I will do it.


Sabay kaming nagsalita.I dont know what to say.I was mentally blocked.

Argon's POV

I dont wanna do this but I have to if I want to pass so.......


Sabay naming sinabi.We looked at each other in the moment of silence.It was wierd and Al looked like she was about to puke.

Please dont.The rafflesia is disgusting enough.

Dimes' POV

Our rule is to stay on top but I cant do that if I wont even make eye contact with my pair so here goes dumbness...

"What up!?"

We said it both on time.Oh my.This is harder than dissecting.I'm not used to people who use such languages.Its..


Ice's POV

My classmates talked to their partners already.Including my co-nerds.Should I?Or should I not?

Huh..I should.


That was the weirdest thing I've ever done.I mean,doing surgery is gross but this is worst than gross.Its unbelievably disgusting.Yuck.

*vomiting in my mind... :{

Shzayne's POV

Actually I dont think that this is a bad idea after all.I think hes got a little something something.

"Uh.I gotta be honest.This whole dissecting this is freaky for me so I hope that you will do most if the cutting."

I think its a bit embarrassing but it freaks me out so I have to ask him.


Sabi niya na parang nakakita ng halimaw.Muntikan na ngang mahulog ang mga libro niya sa kakatitig sa akin.But hes cute for a nerd.

I was about to say something else but then.......

"Okay class.I will give you guide lines.Each of you has a booklet in your drawers and in there are the parts of the rafflesia for you to find but dont worry because there are clues there......

Hay naku.Kung kailan pa may chemistry,ngayon pa susulpot.Panira.

......After you get the parts,put them on the other tray for me to check."

That is gross but its okay because my partner is Sum.

I-ii mean.Hes smart so yeah.

"By the way.The first pair to finish will get an extra 50 points so you need to work fast but also carefully."

After teacher said that,heat and pressure then filled the atmosphere.Its like everybody is in the race so we need to be quick.Hurry!!!

After 30 minutes of cutting and placing we finished first.

"Ma'am were done!!"

We said together with much elation.OMG!!!

"So,the first pair to finished is Sum and Shzayne!!"

Applause filled the room and me and Sum jumped with joy.


I was so happy pero hindi ko namalayan na.....

"Omg.I'm so sorry."

Goshhhh.Na-hug ko siya...

"Its okay.I guess we were carried away by our joy."

He said with a shy smile.

"Too carried away to be exact."

I added to make the statement clearer.

We were so happy but then my happiness was cut when I saw my gang with an unhappy face.

I think they dont want me to be happy with another person.

After our class,I went out for lunch but then someone pulled me from my arm.

When I turned around it was my gang.

"Look I'm sorry.I was too carried away.I mean it was my first time getting a good grade.Shouldnt you just be happy?"

I said.

"Happy??Red do you even know what you're saying?"

Al answered with a loud voice.

"Red we are your friends.So stay away from the others.Doesnt our friendship mean anything to ya?"

Drix added.

"I told you.It was just a mistake.It was never my intention to hug him okay!!!"

I replied.

"Never your intention?Stop lying.We saw you.You were happy with that guy.We want you to be happy but you know the rules.So please stop pulling our legs!!"

Izhel shouted with tears on her eyes.

"Just shut up!!!!!!"

I screamed.

We were silently crying.

"Okay!!!You win.I'm sorry.Please stop yelling at me because I have a heart too.I get hurt too.Specially when I will see you hurt.I'm sorry.Please accept my apology."

I said crying.

I cried because I'm hurt.

But I also cried because I hurt the people I love the most.

Its not easy to let go of my feelings.

But at some point you will realize that some people will stay in your heart but not in your life.

Sometimes there are things we dont want to happen but we have to accept,

Things we dont want to know but have to learn,

and people we cant live without....

But have to let go.

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