Bella Salvatore?

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HE LEFT ME!!!! Edward left me in the woods but I am not going to mope or sit around doing nothing. there is something that the Cullens didn't know about me. Have you ever heard of the Salvatore brothers well they have a little sister and that is me. I have been in hiding for the last 50 years because Katherine wants me dead and my brothers don't know she is not in the tomb. Right now I am on a plane heading to Mystic Falls. You might want to know who I am my name is Isabella Salvatore but most know me as Isabella Swan. Yes most of you have probably heard of me as Edward Cullen's girlfriend but as you can probably already tell he left me. Planes landing.


I jus arrived at the Salvatore boarding house and no ones home so I cant get in because I have to be invited inside. Maybe I should tell you why I have to be invited in. Well I am a vampire just a different type from the cullens the kind of vampire I am burns in the sun, gets burned if we touch vervain, and can only die if you put a wooden stake through my heart. The Cullens didn't know that I was a vampire because you would not be able to tell I was a vampire unless I drank vervain or I wanted them to know. But over time I have learned to not react to vervain. Now Zach is home and he has a steak to my back so I turn around and say "You really want to kill your own aunt that is a shame." he lets out a huge sigh of relief. Yes Zach is my like great something nephew. "Thank god its only you. What are you doing here?" he asks shocked because I haven't been here in over 30 years. "Just came to see my home town and enroll in school for a while." I said with a smile. "Do you know Stephen and Damon are here?" he said. "No, but them being here will give me someone to prank." I said with a mischievous smile. "OH, NO" was all he said before adding "come on in." I laughed. "Been waiting for you to say that for like ever." I said and he laughed with me. "Well school is about to get out so I am going to surprise Stephen then I am going to the bar to see Damon." he just waved while walking off.  

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