Bella Salvatore?

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"DANCE BATTLE!" screamed Lexi. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Stephen then caught on to what we were doing and looked at us like we were crazy. Lexi started one of our broadway performances so I jump in on my solo when she dropped out. She decided to push Damon in on the part where I need a partner. He knew the whole thing. Everyone was shocked that we were so good. Stephen did not want to be shown up by his little sister and Big brother. He jumped in and instead of going old school like normal he did a little freestyle.I was shocked but he was not going to beat me. Me and LExi did a lot of freestyle till she through me in the air and I did a front flip and Damon caught me. Then Elena decided to get in on the fun and her and Stephen were doing flips and a little freestyle then Alaric joined in and must I say for myself he was amazing. "Why did we pick Damon when Alaric would have done 10 times better." I said a damon had a hurt look on his face while everyone laughed at him. "Okay, everyone we have to stop because school rules say that we can not have dance battles. Sorry." he said. Everyone nodded and went back to dancing. "Why were you doing a broadway dance?" asked Alice from behind me. "Lexi and I were in that broadway produuction and we decided no one could top it.' i said turning around. "Alaric, how did you do you do that?" i asked. He just laughed and said "I may not have any years on you but that doesn't mean I haven't had enough years." walking away. "Bella come here." said Damon. "What do you want?" i asked in an annoyed tone. "Sorry I lost. We also may have a problem." he said. "What this time?" I asked. "The Volturi." he said. "What about them?" I asked him. "They have Emily." he said. "My daughter."

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