Bella Salvatore?

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Stephen and Damon are probably trying not to rip Edwards head off because he keeps making bad comments about me every time I walk away because he does not know that I am a vampire. "Elena why don't we go play pool." I said to her after Stephen sent me a text saying get Elena away from this table. "Sure. Bonnie just got here I will make her and Matt join." I nodded and she walked off to ask them while i got strait down to business. "Okay Edward if I hear one more rude comment directed at me i will not hesitate to ask bonnie to light you on fire and compel every person in this place to just turn a blind cheek." when I said that he scoffed then said "Really like you could do anymore than your brothers over here." he said smirking. Me and Stephen both grabbed one of Damons arms but when that wasn't holding him I sat on his lap and Edward just had to keep talking. "You know you two look so weak i bet that little Elena girl could take you." Edward said not knowing the danger he is putting himself in. "Bonnie." I yelled over to her. next thing i know both Stephen and Damon were holding there heads. I nodded at Bonnie who lifted the spell. "Why are you helping them Isabella?" Stephen asked in almost a growling tone. "Do not use that tone with me Stephen I am just making sure that you do not make a mess i will have to clean up then make us have to skip town." I said. "Lets take this outside so that this is not going to be a problem for us." I suggested while we all got up and walked out with Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena not far behind. "Right when we got outside Stephen yelled "You better leave town Cullens because you will not hurt my sister again." he was starting to go beyond pissed so I said "Stephen remember no violence." he nodded and sat on the ground breathing in and out so he wouldn't attack. "What does he mean trying to make us leave." ask Rosalie like it was in possible. "You want a fight blondie?" asked Damon. "Stop they might be animal drinkers but they have the major of southern wars on their side. You need to calm down now." i said he nodded then pulled out a blood bag and through it to me. "Damon put it away now." he shook his head then said "Like Stephen still I see." he said then drank it himself. just when i was about to speak Katherine walked out of the tree line with a wooden stake. "Isabella. What a nice surprise." she said. "I wish I could say the same actually I wish that you would just get staked so I can live my life without running." i said getting really angry. "Too bad." she said then lunged i di a front flip then grabbed a tree branch and yanked so i had a stake also. she then staked me in the stomach and i fell to my knees screaming while Bonnie did the mind thing and stabbed Katherine in the heart. "Help me Damon. PLEASE." i just kept screaming. Stephen and Damon walked up to me and took the stake out of my stomach while i kept screaming then while screaming i said "It broke into pieces you need to yank all the pieces out they are scraping my heart please." they just nodded and went to work. When they got all the pieces out i told Stephen t through me my purse. He handed it to me and i grabbed the pain pills i kept in there and i took two when Damon took the bottle out of my hands "You better not be on drugs again." he said. I just sighed and grabbed the bottle right when i went to stand up he pushed me back down and grabbed my purse and started going through it i had no energy to stop him and there was nothing to find so there was no point. "Is someone going to explain what just happened." said Emmett trying not to show to much shock on his face. "Well.............."

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