Bella Salvatore?

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Today I am starting school with Stephen  and Elena is helping me get ready for school. I have been in Mystic Falls for over 3 months and I am finally starting school. Also thanks to Elena and her friends I have a way better fashion sense. Wish me luck at school.


Apparently I am not the only one coming as a new student today. When I get to the office I see 5 people I never wanted to see again. It was the Cullens. When I walked in I walked strait to the desk and past the Cullens. "Hi, I am here for my schedule." I said with a forced smile. "Name." she said in a bored tone. "Isabella Salvatore." I said my smile dropping. She looked at her computer then at me saying. "Your file is incomplete we can not give you a schedule until the rest is filled in." I just smiled. "If you could look again I am sure everything you need is there." I said when she looked me in the eyes. "It looks like you are right have a nice day." she said smiling and giving me my schedule. "Thanks." I said taking my schedule and walking away. Just then Stephen and Elena walked in. "How can I help you Mr. Salvatore and Mrs. Gilbert." asked the secretary. "No need for help ma'am all I needed was to make sure my sis got her schedule." Stephen said all polite like. "Alien or possessed?" I asked Elena. "Alien." we said together then. "HA HA you two are so funny just give Elena your schedule she will see what classes we have together." he said embarrassed. She looked at my schedule and said we have all the same classes together.


At the grill I talked Stephen into having a couple drinks and Elena just drank anyway. After an hour or so at  the bar the Cullens walked in with a very pissed off Damon. It seemed he and Edward were arguing. I got up and ran at a human pace when I saw Damon go to swing his fist. Stephen go the hint and made Elena stay at the table with me. I got there just in time to catch Damon's arm before it nailed Edward in the face. "Damon Salvatore you lift that fist again I will stab you a believe I might try not to miss you heart."  he looked truly scared when I said that so he just stood there not saying a word. but then someone had to open there big fat mouth and piss my brother off again. "You scared of a girl that is pathetic." said Emmett. "Said the guy who is afraid of his own wife so i suggest you shut up Cullen before I throw the next punch." I said in a threatening voice. "Do we know you? Or did you just here are name in the cafeteria?" Edward asks. "Well I thought I knew you until you left me in the woods for dead." They all gasped while I dragged Damon to our table because he was growling and I didn't want to start a scene but the Cullens had to make it worse by following us to our table and pulling another up to make are table bigger. Lets see how this turns out.

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