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Your POV

"I can't take it anymore Mark!" I screamed at my husband. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?!" I flinched at his tone.

"You never listen! I know you're cheating!" I took a deep breath. "Cheating with my best friend is not okay Mark."

He also took a deep breath. "I said I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"This isn't the first time. It's the third..."

"And I've changed! I promise I'll be a good husband from now on.. and a good father," he said putting his hand on my stomach. 

"No. You know what? I'm done."


"I'm done," I repeated a little more stern this time. "I'm leaving." I walked up to the bedroom to get some stuff. 

"Y-you can't! Where are you gonna go?!?!"

"Far away from you," I spat back not looking at him. Tears started forming in my eyes and I quickly blinked them away.

"You can't leave me! I'm your husband for God's sake!"

"I'll file for a divorce!" I yelled. The expression on his face broke my heart so I quickly diverted my attention to the suitcase. "Expect the papers soon."

He hugged me from behind. "Please don't leave me... I'm still the father of the baby you're carrying."

I scoffed. "Does that really matter to you?" I got out of his grip and looked at him with anger written all over my face. "When I told you I was pregnant, you thought I cheated on you with one of your band members! Then when you got the DNA test back you wanted me to get an abortion!"

He lowered his head. "That was forever ago. I told you, I changed."

"If you had changed, I would've seen the difference Mark. You've only gotten worse. I'm sorry but my decision is final."

"Can I get one last kiss please?"

I got on my tiptoes and gave him a long passionate kiss. It's the most he deserves.

I loaded my car with everything and headed off without looking back. As I got to the red light I started thinking...

Who do I go to?

I can't go to my now ex best friend's house. She fucked my husband! 

If I go to one of his band member's houses. Mark will get the wrong message and tension will arise between Got7. 

All my family is in America. 

There's only one place I can go.

I made a u-turn and headed to my other best friend. Well, now my only best friend. I walked to the front door and got the spare key he gave me. I opened the door and walked in to him shirtless,  laying in his bed reading a book. 

Jungkook's POV

I was reading my book when I heard the front door open. I smiled already knowing it's y/n. She stood at my doorway and I looked up to smile at her but immediately frowned when I saw tears falling from her precious eyes. "Y/n!" I put my book down and hugged her. "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm divorcing Mark."

My eyes widened. "Mark Hyung? What did he do?" She explained it to me and I hugged her again. "Shh. It's okay! You're here now. Go lay on my bed. Let me get your stuff from the car."

After bringing everything back I went and sat next to her.


Your POV

I rolled over to see Jungkook staring at me. "You hungry?" he asked. "Do you wanna sleep?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine thank you. Can you please lay with me?"

He got under the covers and put his arm around me. "Anything else?"

"Where's Seok-Jae?"

"Playing in his room. Let me get him."

"No I'll go with you." We walked into our 3 year old son's room and saw him playing with his action figures. "Seok-Jae.." I cooed.

He looked up and smiled when he saw me. "Eomma!" He ran up and hugged my leg. "I miss you!"

I laughed. "I missed you too my dear!"

Jungkook bent down next to us. "Guess what? Eomma's gonna finally live with us."

The smile on Seok-Jae's face was priceless. "Really!?!!? You and my baby sister!?!"

I laughed. "Yes, me and your baby sister."

"When is she coming?" he pouts.

Jungkook ruffled his hair. "5 more months. Be patient!"

We went downstairs, as Seok-Jae said he'll come down after getting ready. We were gonna go out, seeing that it's only 6 pm.

Jungkook sat next to me. "Look y/n. You already know how much I love you. I said I'll let go for the sake of you! You said you were in love with Mark and I was okay with that. I wanted you happy. Now that you're not with Mark anymore..." he pulled out a box and opened it, sporting a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you finally marry me?"

I kissed him on the lips. It's been 3 fucking years since I've done this. "Of course I'll marry you Kookie."

We cuddled until Seok-Jae came down. "Eomma! Appa! I'm ready!"

"We have another good news Jae," I said. "Appa and I are getting married!"

He jumped up and down. "Yay! Yay! Yay!" 


It's been a  year since that day. Jeon Seok-Jae is 6 now.. and your little daughter, Bella Tuan, is 3 months old.

At the moment, you're standing in front of your lovely husband to be in your gorgeous wedding gown, in front of all of your friends and family. It was your turn to say I do.

You smiled, almost crying. "I do.."

The priest said a few more things but only one thing caught my attention. "You may kiss the bride."

Jungkook picked me up and kissed me ever so delicately, yet our kiss was filled with passion. They all cheered for us. 

At the reception, Mark came up to us with Bella in his arms and Seok-Jae riding on his back. "Congrats, you two."

I smiled at him. "Thank you Mark. And thank you for being such an amazing father to Bella.. and such an amazing step father to Seok-Jae. I know we aren't married and we don't live together, so it's hard for you to see our daughter. I'm so sorry for all the pain with that."

He waved it off. "I'm just glad you allowed me to be a part of not only yours and Bella's lives, but Seok-Jae's too. He's an amazing son, good job you two."

Jungkook patted Mark's shoulder. "You can come over whenever you want to see Bella and Seok-Jae. He's equally yours as he is mine."

Mark returned the smile to Jungkook. "Same goes for Bella. Thank you for taking care of my little girl. Congrats again to you guys."

"C'mon Mark Appa!" Seok-Jae whined. "I wanna go to Samchon Jackson!" We all chuckled as Mark walked to Jackson with Seok-Jae and Bella.

Jungkook turned my face to kiss my lips. "I'm so glad we're married. I love you so much and I can't wait for the life ahead of us."

"I love you too my golden Maknae."


OKAY! So yes this one was a really fucked up one. I literally just wrote as I went. I don't know how I put Got7 in here but surprise! They popped up in this imagine.

To clear further confusion, you and Kookie are the same age. You guys are in your late twenties for this imagine. Don't worry, you weren't like 15 and pregnant! But honestly would you mind being under 18 and pregnant knowing it's Kookie or any BTS member's child? Let me know in the comments!

Love you xxx- Llama Devil

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