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Your POV

"HURRY YOUR ASSES UP!" I yelled to the BTS Boys.

"Coming Noona!" Jungkook yelled. "Okay here."

"Chill your ass," V said as he came to the front door where I was. 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm your manager idiot. You can't talk to me like that."

"Before my manager, you're my sister so I can talk to you however I want."

"At this time I have to be a manager, not just your sister. And even if we're twins, I'm still a few minutes older." I patted his head.

Suga laughed. "Stop bickering."

Jin smacked Suga's arm. "Yah Suga, leave it be. It's entertaining."

I glared at Jin. "Go tell your husband to hurry up will you Oppa?"

Jin looked towards the stairs. "Namjoon darling! Hurry up!"

Rap Mon came downstairs, fixing his jacket zipper. "I'm here honey." He hugged Jin. 

"Aw, my NamJin hearteu," Hobi said fake crying. 

I chuckled at the stupidity of the boys and checked my watch. "Where's Jimin?"

"He's still doing something. Why don't you go get him?" Jungkook smirked.

I gave him a subtle death glare. "I have to get you guys in the car."

Rap Monster came up to me and took the clipboard from my hands. "I'll get them settled, you go get Jimin. He'll only listen to his manager anyways."

I nodded and gave him a smile that said thank you. I really owe Jungkook and Namjoon Oppa for keeping Jimin and I's relationship a secret. 

I went to the room that Jimin and Jungkook share and saw Jimin standing in front of his closet.

"Jimin? Aish, you're not ready yet?"

He shook his head. "Ugh no. I kinda fell asleep and I just got out of the shower." That was when I realized that Jimin had only a towel covering his lower half.

I wrapped my arm around his torso and laid my head on his back. "I love you."

"I love you too." He turned around to give me an actual hug. 

"Okay now hurry up and get dressed or you'll be late for the interview." I got my phone out and called Namjoon.

"You guys coming?" he asked.

"Just tell the driver to take you guys to the studio here the interview is being held. Jimin and I will come in the other car."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yea Jimin just hasn't gotten ready yet."

Namjoon chuckled. "Okay then. We'll leave now."

"I'll get there while you guys are putting on makeup." I hung up the call and went into my room to grab my charger real quick.

Someone grabbed my waist from behind. "I'm done Jagi."

"God damn Jimin you scared me."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Let's go."


When we got to the studio I immediately rushed Jimin into the room where the rest of the band were getting there makeup done, while I went to check the boys in. After that "fun" stuff, I went to see how the makeup was going. 

Jimin winked at me when V was looking away.

-----------------during the interview-------------------

"So the question the fans wanna know most is about any relationships happening."

I could see Jimin physically shaking. 

Jin answered, "We're all too busy for dating. Even if we did have a love interest, it would be hard to keep the relationship strong since we're just so busy with work."

I smiled at Jin's smart ass answer.

"A-actually.." Jimin started and my eyes darted towards him. "I-I have a girlfriend..."

The interviewers eyes widened, along with all of Bangtan except Jungkook and Rap Monster.

"Who?" Hobi asked confused.

"Y-y/n," he said looking at the floor.

"Jeongmal!?!?!" V asked, obviously very surprised. I couldn't make out if he was just genuinely shocked or mad.

Jimin was blushing a deep red "Y-yeah. We've been dating for almost 3 years.. RapMon Hyung and Jungkook found out last year."

"Can we get their manager, y/n on stage please?" the interviewer asked.

I was called out on stage and I sat between V and Jimin. "Hello."

"So it's true?" the interviewer asked Jimin and I. "You two are dating?"

I nodded. "Yes we are."

-------------------------after the interview----------------------

I walked up to V as we were leaving the studio "Hey V?"


"You're not mad are you?"

"I was shocked. I'm glad that it's someone I can keep an eye on though."

I laughed and went to Jimin, giving him a huge hug. "Hi!"

"Why are you so happy?"

"I can finally hug you in public and around the boys."

"And I can finally do this." Jimin pulled me into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too."


It's kinda rushed so I'm sorry that it sucks ass.

It's Saturday (1:24 am) and I'm going to the mall with my closest friends as a late birthday celebration. I'm excited.

I'll definitely update though.

I was thinking of setting a certain date to update, but I realized that it's impossible since my schedule is ever fixed.

Instead, I'm going to break down the next 7 days for you so you know when to expect an update. Count this as a Friday update even though it's technically Saturday:

(3/18)Saturday- I'll update and most likely upload

(3/19)Sunday- This is usually my HW day but I'll try updating. I don't think I can update it though

(3/20)Monday- I have school unfortunately. Also if you remember, I have to stay after school on this day every week so I don't think I'll even be able to update. I'll try though.

(3/21)Tuesday- I don't have anything planned after school on Tuesday unless I get HW. I'll try updating.

(3/22)Wednesday- I also have to stay after on this day too, so like Monday, I'll try my best.

(3/23)Thursday- I'm going to try staying home from school this day, because Thursday is "Service Learning Day". We basically sit in 1 classroom the whole day and do random shit that isn't even a grade so why bother going? If I don't go then I'll definitely upload something even if it's super short. If I do go to school I'll still end up uploading that night.

(3/24)Friday- I HAVE NO SCHOOL!! Thank God. Expect a new imagine on this day.

(3/25)Saturday- I'll most likely update this day because I have nothing planned as of now. But I don't know for sure since it's still a week away.

Love you xxx-LLama Devil

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